Remote Learning Resources for BUHS Staff & Faculty

As we embark on this unprecedented learning journey with our students, the BUHS Safe Reopen Committee has prepared this website to present Faculty with Remote-Learning options, ideas, and resources.

Wherever we are teaching from, the heart of what we do as teachers remains the same:

Building relationships
Creating classroom learning communities
elping students reach their future goals.

Together, we will rise to this challenge. We will make this a year of learning that we will celebrate and take pride in.


Different Platform.
Same Goals.

Motivating Instruction

The social and academic curricula are taught in ways that meet student needs

What does effective instruction look like in remote and hybrid situations? What we know about good instruction is essential for developing an approach to reaching all learners this year.


How will students and families receive clear information about assignments? Lessons? Expectations?

How will we deliver instruction and design tasks that are accessible, and achievable for all learners at BUHS?

Students learn best within a supportive community.

Using Tech to Create Connections

We will strive to cultivate the social and community dimensions of learning by using technology that brings students together for interaction, support, feedback and community.

Students will benefit from a system of support throughout the semester

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support 2020-21

Teacher collaboration and support is crucial

As educators, we will strive to provide support to each other

Social and Emotional Skills

Students need to learn social and emotional skills to achieve success in their classes and in their lives.


Executive functioning needs to be explicitly taught through modeling, guidance, and reinforced practice


Cooperation Assertion Responsibility Empathy Self-control

BUHS Faculty Distance-Learning Resources

Scrolling view of BUHS Ed Tech Guide document.

Hundreds of tutorials and resource links. Everything from Zoom to G Suite Apps, Google Classroom, Newslea, Flipgrid, Screencastify, Nearpod, Padlet and many, many more.

A wonderful, comprehensive collection that Allison has put together on a huge array of Ed Tech resources. Tutorials, strategies and even some of our Tech Committee's homegrown how-to guides. It isn't a mastery guide, but a hallway with a thousand rooms in case you get the urge to explore something you read about or hear somebody mention.

This is a big collection of material, but it is deep and well-organized.

See the sections below for our suggested strategies and approaches for all of these amazing resources!

A strategic, curated resource created to help our Faculty bring Motivating Teaching Strategies, Community and Interaction, and Social and Emotional Skill-Building to their online and hybrid classes.

OK, break it down for me.

The links below will give you an idea of how these parts fit together and what will be asked of you, as well as a short list of go-to Docs
Please keep an eye on this spot, as our situation is nothing less than completely dynamic for the foreseeable future and this is a likely place to find news and updates.

Our "must-dos," and a vision for how they fit together

Teachers have shown heroic creativity throughout the pandemic. We continue to encourage that exploration, but based on feedback from parents, counselors special educators, and reflection on our own experience, we have decided to adopt a few practices across the Faculty for the duration of our hybrid and remote-learning experience.

Click here for more information on these requirements.

Complete Outline of Our Distance Learning PD Efforts

There is a lot involved here, with many moving parts and documents being put out for this momentous year.
Outline of Resources to Support BUHS Teachers with Hybrid and Remote Learning
Share Your Ideas!!!

We want YOUR suggestions!!!
To the left is a Google Doc to post your favorite Apps, Procedures, Links and Especially links to activities, lessons, assessments and other items you made for your class so people can try it out. Check it out!
Read through it here or click the upper right corner to explore or add to the Doc!

Its NOT Going to be like last year...