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Email your order to Bug Rhymes Books at bugrhymesbooks@comcast.net.

Include the following information in your order:

  • Shipping Info: The name and the address where you would like the books to be shipped.
  • Quantities: The quantity of each Bug Rhymes book you are ordering.
  • Signing Info: Any info you would like the author to include in the signing of the books, e.g. a name of the person(s) the books are for.

Upon receipt of your order we will:

  • Calculate Payment Amount: Calculate any applicable Sales Tax and Shipping and Handling costs and Total Payment required for your order.
  • Send Order Confirmation: Email you an order confirmation, including payment instructions and anticipated shipping date.


Ordering direct has the following benefits:

  • Signing: Surprise that special child with Bug Rhymes books signed by the author.
  • Prices: Take advantage of special package pricing.
  • Chee the Flea: This first book in the Bug Rhymes series is available only by ordering direct.