
New Years Resolutions

I am personally against new years resolution. I believe that they are superficial and a way of making people feel better about themselves. People tell themselves that they'll eat healthier or lose weight, but half the time they never follow through with it. They do it as a way of feeling like they're gonna achieve something to gain self confidence. I believe that if you are going to set a goal for yourself you shouldn't wait to do it until new years. If you truly have a mindset to achieve this goal, then you can start now. If you come up with your goals at the beginning of december, it only takes 21 days to start a new habit. Therefore, by new year's you already have your “goal” achieved and started. Some people will try to say that it’s their moment to feel good, or that they need this day for motivation. I think that you should be able to feel like you could change at anytime, and you don't need a day to feel better about yourself. They'll also say that it won't hurt if i don't follow through, but why would you set yourself up for failure? Personally i wouldn't want to feel disappointed and feel like i can't do something. In conclusion, if you truly believe that you can follow through with your goal it's not harming anyone. But in the end you should have enough self confidence to change at anytime.