Bison can not come into the city of Avalon, but often do wander into village of Two Harbors and into several of the campgrounds in the interior. If you encounter a bison while hiking, camping or biking, please remember that they are free-roaming and undomesticated. They can act out if they feel threatened or provoked and interactions may cause serious injury. Exercise extreme caution.

When, in the second phase of his transition towards the fall, Adamaddresses Eve audibly, he repeats the movement from a correct starting pointthrough fallacious argument to a wrong conclusion. The opening line"Bold deed thou hast presumed, adventurous Eve" (ix.921) is surelyan adequate assessment of the case rather than an approval of, or praise for,Eve's deed.10 The truning point comes, again, with his limited view ofthe past, "But past who can recall, or done undo?" (ix.926). Thereader is obviously trapped in the logical necessity implied by Adam'squestion, but the reader is fallen. Adam is not yet, and he should rememberwhat he has learned from the dialogue with Raphael or indeed his encounterwith God himself. He should know that time, as human, albeit prelapsarian,understanding can comprehend it, does not apply to the almighty. Bycommenting that Adam was "Submitting to what seemed remediless"(ix.919, my italics), the bard unmistakeably signals his take on the matter.God's reality is greater than "what created mind cancomprehend" (iii.705), even in temporal terms. In any case, whatever thelogic is, it does not pertain to obedience to God. Adam should bear theprohibition in mind (cf. viii.323-28 and x.12-13). Imitating satanicargumentation, however, he rather chooses to manipulate the past in order toprove the plausibility of a version of the future (Eve not dying) he desires.

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