calm, cool, collective.

Just say: i will change my life.

60 minutes to get a clear view on your spendings.

What are your monthly payments?

How much do you spent on... ?

Rent / House 

Car / Transport

Clothes & 

Interest rates, debts, credit score?

Trust yourself with money

Just say: i can be trustworthy.

60 minutes to get a view on how to change your habbits and to fully change your life.

> Make a plan

> Take the steps 

> Get results

1 hour can change your life.

60 minutes to write down all the notes you can, can help to change your life from debts into starting paying it off agressively.

3600 seconds to write down a plans to take control of your own money.

What are the steps you need to take? 

Take the steps you need to take to make life fun again.

> no changes?

> don't worry

> just live life the way it is.

> little changes?

> pay off debts

> feel free and happy

> big changes?

> sell things / feel free

> have money to spend







> earn with skills

> don't gamble

> never focus on luck

> know what is real

> invest in realistic things

> see the interest of it all

> don't waste time

> understand where to go

> only do good 

> Why be afraid of money?

> Learn to love it

> See what you can do

> Be a winner

> You decide

> It's now or never

> Today is the first step

> Learn what you need to do

> Know how to spent aware.

> pay attention to numbers

> ask for help

> do the works

> talk about money

> a relationship with money

> make money work for you

> where you live

> what you eat ...

> how can you change habbits?