This series of events is jointly organised by the community of probabilists -- in a very wide sense -- of Vienna (IST, TUW, UW) and Budapest (BME, ELTE, RI). The informal group of organisers consists (right now) of: Mathias Beiglböck, Nathanaël Berestycki, László Erdős, Jan Maas, Miklós Rásonyi, Gábor Pete, Fabio Toninelli and Bálint Tóth.

The events are held quasi-regularly, with one or two meetings per semester, consisting of three 50 minutes lectures. The location of the events will alternate between the two cities Budapest and Vienna. All are welcome!


@ TU Wien

Venue: Lecture room HS 17 "Friedrich Hartmann", Karlsplatz 13. Details here:

Google-map link to the TU Wien main building

HS 17 Friedrich Hartmann is located on the 4 floor, room code is AE0341.

Outbound trains  Budapest-Keleti --> Wien Hbf:     07:40  - 10:18     ///     08:40 - 11:21     ///      09:40 - 12:21




BÁLINT TÓTH (Rényi Institute and University of Bristol):  (Towards an) Invariance Principle for the Random Lorentz Gas under Weak Coupling Limit Beyond the Kinetic Time Scale

Abstract: Kesten-Papanicolaou (1980) proved that in the weak coupling limit the random Lorentz-gas process with soft scatterers converges to the Spherical Langevin Process. Under a second, diffusive limit the spatial component of the Spherical Langevin Process converges to Brownian motion. Komorowski-Ryzhik (2006) proved that combining the weak coupling and diffusive limits, the Brownian motion is obtained, at least for a time horizon slightly beyond the kinetic time-scale. We attempt to extend this last result robustly for time scales way beyond the kinetic one.  (Work in progress.)



HERBERT SPOHN (TU München): Integrable many-particle systems: generalized free energy and scattering shift.

Abstract: As well illustrated by examples, for integrable many-particle systems there is a surprising connection between generalized free energy and  two-particle scattering shift. This feature will be explained in the context of the classical Calogero fluid. For the Ablowitz-Ladik chain so far only the free energy has been available. The missing scattering shift will be supplied (joint work with A. Brollo). 



JAN MAAS (ISTA):  Optimal transport and convergence to quasi-equilibrium

Abstract: We discuss ongoing recent work and open questions on the long-term behaviour of some probabilistic models arising in quantitative genetics. These models give rise to some non-standard transport inequalities, which we prove using stochastic methods. This is joint work with Ksenia Khudiakova and Francesco Pedrotti.



After the seminar talks we will go out for dinner (going dutch) to some local restaurant. If you plan to join please do inform the local organizers  by writing to by Monday evening, 2nd of October.



Participants who wish to stay overnight in Vienna are kindly asked to make their own arrangements for accommodation.

Click here for hotels and hostels nearby TU Wien (on Google maps).