Find out whether your staff are susceptible to phishing scams by putting them to the test.

To see how prone my employees are to fall for phishing scams, what can I do?

More than ever, cyber thieves target businesses for ransomware scams and wire fraud scams because they know that enterprises are more likely to pay.

They can not only make more money, but they also have a wider range of aims to aim for in order to attain their objectives. A properly prepared email is all it takes for an infiltrator to get started.

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The most vulnerable point of defense.

Your staff are your last line of defense, no matter how advanced your cybersecurity measures are.

It's easier for hackers to get into your system by exploiting human weaknesses than than attempting to get into your technological fortress.

Continuous education and knowledge of the problem is the best way to protect your employees against cyberthieves.

Cybersecurity is not a "fire and forget" procedure, therefore developing a strategy for continual education is essential.

A compliance issue should be approached in the same way as accounting or HR issues and rules.

At Buckeye Telecom, we have many vendors that will run FREE tests for your company and also training for your employees. Interested? Call or Text us 614-224-2003.