What is  Operation: Global Action (OGA) ?

This high impact project-based experience is guided by the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The ultimate aim of this learning experience is to provide an opportunity for the students to recognize their agency and skillset and feel empowered as they develop proposals for innovative projects that would alleviate global challenges and help vulnerable communities.

This challenge gives university students the opportunity to participate in a four-week interdisciplinary and innovative experience focused on global issues.

For our OGA project we're launching Bubli's Language Adventure comic book, focusing on SDG 4 and SDG 10.

Start reading The Comic Book.

SDG 4 Quality Education

SDG 4 aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for all individuals, promoting learning opportunities. 

It recognizes education as a fundamental human right and a catalyst for development. The goal emphasizes the need to provide accessible, relevant, and high-quality education to all individuals, regardless of their background, gender, or socioeconomic status.

SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities

SDG 10 focuses on reducing inequalities within and among countries, aiming to ensure that no one is left behind in social, economic, and political spheres. 

This goal recognizes that inequality hinders sustainable development and promotes a more inclusive and equitable society. It addresses various dimensions of inequality, including income disparities, social exclusion, and unequal access to resources, opportunities, and basic services. 

By integrating the elements of both goals into the project, we are supporting education and working towards reducing inequalities through students learning English as a second language.

The project encompasses several important aspects, by incorporating these elements into the project, we enhance accessibility, engagement, scalability, and the ability to make data-driven decisions.
Fostering community and providing educational resources contribute to a holistic approach that empowers readers, supports educators and parents, and promotes inclusivity in education.

Wide Accessibility
Easily accessed by anyone with an internet connection. Anyone can engage with the comic book regardless of their physical proximity.

Visual and Lively Presentation
Ability to present visuals, images, and animations in a dynamic manner. Visually appealing and captivating for elementary students, enhancing their interest and understanding of the story and the issues being addressed.

The flexibility to scale the project as it grows. Be able to add new content, expand the comic book series, incorporate feedback from readers, and continuously update and improve the website based on the evolving needs and interests of the audience.

Community Building
Create discussion forums, collaborations, feedback, or social media groups where readers can interact with each other, share their experiences, and contribute ideas. Sense of belonging and collective support among the audience, creating a dedicated community that is passionate about education and inclusivity.

Data Collection and Analytics
Collect valuable data (information on visitor demographics, page views, engagement metrics, and more.) and insights about the audience. Be able to understand the readership better, tailor our content to the audience’s preferences, and make informed decisions to improve the reach and impact of our project.

Resource Center
Additional educational materials, resources, and links related to the topics addressed in our comic book. Turns our website into a valuable hub of information and support for educators, parents, and community members.

As part of the institutional alliance between Universidad del Norte and USF, Uninorte students have the opportunity to engage in this program and work on ideas that propose innovative solutions aligned with the UN SDGs. OGA encourages undergraduate students to become global innovators, driving positive change and contributing to sustainable development.

University of South Florida
Tampa, Florida, USA

USF developed Operation: Global Action (OGA), this is a non-traditional co-curricular experience, modeled after the Grand Challenges program at the University of Exeter.

OGA was developed for undergraduate students to produce projects and participate in an interdisciplinary, immersive, and innovative experience focused on global issues related to the
United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals. 

Universidad del Norte
Barranquilla, Colombia

Uninorte encourages its undergraduate students to seize this opportunity and be part of OGA, where they can unleash their potential, develop their ideas, and contribute to the advancement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

By participating in OGA, Uninorte students gain valuable experience in tackling complex problems, working in diverse teams, and promoting sustainable development. They contribute to the global efforts to achieve the SDGs, making a meaningful impact in their communities and beyond.