Meet the Creators

Taylor Loris

 Hi, my name is Taylor Loris. I am a Junior in high school and one of the founders of Bubble Bites. Growing up as a kid I was never able to enjoy the same treats as my friends and family because of my allergies. Not being able to get gluten and dairy set me aside from the people around me. Growing up there weren't as many bakeries that sold gluten or dairy-free treats. So growing up I would try to make my cake or ice cream that I would be able to eat. There were some successes and some failures but no matter what I kept trying.

Taylor Curtis

Hello, I'm Taylor Curtis. I am a junior and I am the founder of Bubble Bites. I've always had a love for baking. I love being able to express my creativity through baking sweet treats. I have a really bad sweet tooth. so that's what got me into baking. But I wanted to be different and find new ways to spice up my recipes. That's when I came across Taylor Loris we had been friends for years. She is allergic to gluten and dairy. So I wanted to be able to find a way to bake treats that she was able to eat. We would work together to find ingredients that would work and what ingredients wouldn't. Once we finally found the perfect recipe we knew we had to share it with the world.