Terms & Privacy Policy

Bubbl Terms & Privacy Policy

A smartphone app and widget called Bubbl. With Bubbl, you can instantly share your ideas with your pals on their Home screens in the form of text and emojis. Without your buddy having to open the app, your sent Quote will appear on their Home screen once they use Bubbl. We are very concerned about protecting the privacy and security of your data, especially since Bubbl is made to allow you to share private thoughts with your closest friends.

We describe what information we gather, how we use and disclose it, and your rights below.

Data Collection And Use

Your phone number, name, age, and gender are required when you create an account on Bubbl. These details let other Bubbl users recognise you and make it simple for your friends to locate your account on the service. In order for you to text yourself a link to download the app or register for email updates, we may additionally collect your phone number or email address through our website. It may also be possible to reply to your messages using this account data.

You have the choice to grant Bubbl access to your address book after registering. This makes inviting people to your Bubbl simple. First and foremost, we never save a copy of your contact list and never send texts to your friends without your express consent.

When you add a buddy on Bubbl, we first check to see if they already have an account by looking up their phone number in our database. If they don't, we associate their phone number—and nothing else—with your account, not even their name or profile picture. When you link your friends' phone numbers to your account, your friend can download Bubbl and see your friend status as soon as you sign up. The phone numbers of any contacts you don't expressly add as friends are not saved by us.

Sending friends a text message with a link to download the app will allow you to invite them to join Bubbl. We don't ping your friends on your behalf automatically. You must instead send the message on your own. This implies that the communications that are sent to friends are always under your control.

When you add a buddy, Bubbl searches your Contacts for the name and profile image you've saved for them. The software then uses this information to identify your acquaintance. It's crucial to remember that this information is never saved to our databases or removed from your phone.

When you use the app, we may collect certain information about your device (such as the type of device, operating system, IP address, and unique identifiers) and how you interact with the app (such as the actions you take and how long you use the app). We use this information to improve the app, create new features, and keep our systems secure.

Your data will never be sold, rented, licenced, or leased to a third party by us. Nevertheless, we might divulge it to the following outside parties:

You can use Bubbl to share your thoughts with your friends. Once you've sent a post, it isn't possible to delete it from other users phones if they store it locally in some other format, so be careful with what thoughts you choose to send. If you choose to delete a post, it will be removed from our server and from Bubbl.

Children are not the target audience for Bubbl, and we don't think we've ever gathered any information from them. If we find out that we have gathered information about children without getting their permission, we will remove it.

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, you are advised to review this page periodically for any changes. We may notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.

If you have any concerns, questions, or complaints for the Bubbl privacy team or Data Protection Officer, please contact us via the contact page. We respond as quickly as possible within 7 days.