The 4th International Workshop on Big Data Tools, Methods, and Use Cases for Innovative Scientific Discovery (BTSD) 2022

Call for Papers

Program Chairs

Organizers’ Background

Introduction to Workshop

Workshop History

The international workshop on Big Data Tools, Methods, and Use Cases for Innovative Scientific Discovery (BTSD) was first held in December 2019 in conjunction with IEEE Big Data 2019 conference, organized by Matt Lee and Travis Johnston. Total of 12 papers were accepted. It was a great start to build a strong scientific collaboration community. The second BTSD workshop was held in December 2020 as a virtual workshop in conjunction with IEEE Big Data 2020. Total of 11 papers were accepted and presented. The third BTSD workshop was held in December 2021 as a virtual workshop in conjunction with IEEE Big Data 2021. Total of 9 papers were accepted and presented. It was a great communication and opportunity to learn from experiences across many scientific domains.

Research Topics Included in the Workshop 

Program Committee Members

Paper Submission

Please submit a short  paper (minimum 4 page, up to 6 page IEEE 2-column format) or full paper (minimum 8 page, up to 10 page IEEE 2-column format) through the online submission system. 

Papers should be formatted to IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscript Formatting Guidelines (see link to "formatting instructions" below).

Formatting Instructions

8.5" x 11" (DOC, PDF

LaTex Formatting Macros

Important Dates 

Presentation Preparation


Workshop Primary Contact 

Workshop Schedule