British Topology Meeting

BTM33 -- The Open University

Tuesday 4 -- Thursday 6 September, 2018

The thirty third British Topology Meeting (BTM33) was hosted by The Open University from Tuesday 4 to Thursday 6 September, 2018.

Many thanks to the speakers (slides now available) and participants.

Inquiries may be sent to the organisers via

BTM33 is supported by The London Mathematical Society and The Open University.


The timing and location of BTM33 have been carefully chosen with the Homotopy Harnessing Higher Structures (HHH) programme ( at the Isaac Newton Institute in mind. The HHH programme runs from July to December 2018. BTM33 has been designed to dovetail with the HHH workshops; this and the proximity of Cambridge to Milton Keynes, will enable many of the international HHH participants to attend the BTM. In view of the HHH programme, BTM33 aims to have a slightly larger number of talks than recent BTMs.