

  • The workshop will be held in two live sessions.

    • Session 1: 8:00-10:00 (UTC+1)

    • Session 2: 16:00-18:00 (UTC+1)

    • Place: Zoom Webinar

    • Date: August 28, 2020


    • The presentation materials and the live interaction sessions will be accessible only to delegates registered to ECCV during the conference.

    • Please watch the pre-recorded presentations of the accepted papers before the live sessions. If you have questions for the authors or the invited speakers, we encourage you to submit them here in advance, to save time.


*All times are in UTC+1.
**All talks will be live.

  • Session 1

    • 8:00 - 8:10 - Welcome and Opening Remarks

    • 8:10 - 8:40 - Stefan Becker
      Fraunhofer IOSB

    • 8:40 - 8:55 - THÖR dataset
      Andrey Rudenko, Tomasz Piotr Kucner, Chittaranjan Srinivas Swaminathan, Ravi Teja Chadalavada, Kai Oliver Arras, Achim J. Lilienthal

    • 8:55 - 9:10 - inD Dataset
      Julian Bock, Robert Krajewski, Lennart Vater, Lutz Eckstein

    • 9:10 - 9:25 - Lyft Prediction Dataset
      John Houston, Guido Zuidhof, Luca Bergamini, Yawei Ye, Ashesh Jain, Sammy Omari, Vladimir Iglovikov, Peter Ondruska

    • 9:25 - 9:40 - TrajNet++ Challenge
      Parth Kothari, Sven Kreiss, Alexandre Alahi

    • 9:40 - 10:00 - Paper Session 1

  • Session 2

    • 16:00 - 16:30 - Kris M. Kitani (jointly with Xinshuo Weng)
      Carnegie Mellon University

    • 16:30 - 17:00 - Nemanja Djuric
      Uber ATG

    • 17:00 - 17:15 - PIE and JAAD Datasets
      Amir Rasouli, Iuliia Kotseruba, Toni Kunic, John K. Tsotsos

    • 17:15 - 17:35 - Paper Session 2

    • 17:35 - 18:00 - Panel discussion (all / most speakers)

Session Paper
1 Spatio-Temporal Graph Transformer Networks for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction [pdf]
Cunjun Yu, Xiao Ma, Jiawei Ren, Haiyu Zhao, Shuai Yi

1 Multi-modal trajectory prediction with memory augmented network in autonomous driving [pdf]
Francesco Marchetti, Federico Becattini, Lorenzo Seidenari, Alberto Del Bimbo

1 A complementary trajectory prediction benchmark [pdf]
Ronny Hug, Stefan Becker, Wolfgang Hübner, Michael Arens

1 Transformer Networks for Trajectory Forecasting [pdf]
Francesco Giuliari, Irtiza Hasan, Luca Franco, Marco Cristani, Fabio Galasso

1 A Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Neural Network for Anomaly Detection in Videos [pdf]
Xianlin Zeng, Yalong Jiang, Wenrui Ding, Hongguang Li

2 SimAug: Learning Robust Representations from Simulation for Trajectory Prediction [pdf]
Junwei Liang, Lu Jiang, Alexander Hauptmann

2 It is not the Journey but the Destination: Endpoint Conditioned Trajectory Prediction [pdf]
Karttikeya Mangalam, Harshayu Girase, Shreyas Agarwal, Kuan-Hui Lee, Ehsan Adeli, Jitendra Malik, Adrien Gaidon

2 The Garden of Forking Paths: Towards Multi-Future Trajectory Prediction [pdf]
Junwei Liang, Lu Jiang, Kevin Murphy, Ting Yu, Alexander Hauptmann

2 STINet: Spatio-Temporal-Interactive Network for Pedestrian Detection and Trajectory Prediction [pdf]
Zhishuai Zhang, Jiyang Gao, Junhua Mao, Yukai Liu, Dragomir Anguelov, Congcong Li

2 Joint 3D Tracking and Forecasting with Graph Neural Networks and Diversity Sampling [pdf]
Xinshuo Weng, Ye Yuan, Kris Kitani

2 Trajectron++: Dynamically-Feasible Trajectory Forecasting With Heterogeneous Data [pdf]
Tim Salzmann, Boris Ivanovic, Punarjay Chakravarty, Marco Pavone