It seems that Tom has to temporarily power-off the public access btest server, because the increased bandwidth usage due to Coronavirus issue.

"I promise to return the btest server back on-line just as soon as my network stabilizes and the bandwidth is once again available", in his own words.

I am thinking about creating an OAuth library in LabVIEW, but for testing this during development I would like to use some test server, without overloading an existing service that has real users.

Btest Server Download


For a quick and dirty test this'll probably work, if you're worried about using someone elses server, it should be fairly easy to deploy the code from locally or on a server you have access to that is running php.

Does anyone know how to do this? I have tried 2 seperate log-ins, one for prod one for test, but had no luck thus far. I cannot change the server myself within the app but I need to run some testing on the mobile app.

With 2 fingers, double tap the SAP CONCUR icon on the Concur app screen login page. then tap system, then tap on server, this should then bring up a list of available servers. Tap on which one you require then navigate back out.

If so, top on my wish list is a server serving test data, which I can use to make my first experiments and code samples. For FHIR I found HAPI-FHIR, which is available both via Docker and as a life server at

I am trying to build Epicor Test server. We have 2 servers Epicor Apps and Epicor Database in VM. I already did clone these two VMs then changed the hostname, remove from domain and configure new IP address. Now individually I can login to these two servers and these two servers can ping each other.

I have cloned my VMs and changed the setup on the Test versions and they work. No matter how you do this you have to do parts of the setup and deploy for the new configuration to point to the rights app and sql servers. There is KB0020119 on Epicweb that goes over steps that could need to be performed, but again configurations will vary, so you have to be able to adapt this to your environment.

Thank you. In your earlier post, you decided to cloned all your production VM servers. I am thinking of doing the same. I have a VM for the DB Server+Report Services, Epicor Application Server, and Epicor Reports Agent Servers. Did you encounter any issues with Cloning the Database Server. By Cloning the DB server first and assigning a new IP address and Server name. Could you elaborate an outline of the sequence of steps you followed for all servers?

If you are using Veeam for your VM Backups you can create a Virtual Lab which gives you an exact copy of your prod servers including IP addresses on their own virtual lan. We use this for testing major upgrades.

A test web server has been set up and upgraded with Cascade Version 8.3. All Cascade sites have been copied to this Cascade test environment so that site owners can get hands-on experience and can review their sites using the latest version of Cascade Server.

EQ2 has a perma Test Server. The problem I find with it is too often people are on test to get advanced warning of some types of changes, and too often make a financial windfall by knowing. Worst example I recall was Devs deciding to phase out an adornment but.. refund gold to those who had it with a special vendor. It got put on Test. Test people bought every single adorn of that on the live server brokers and made them 24-7 prior to that going live.Imagine a Test player for GW2 coming back to live server account with the knowledge of the Gossamer Patches leather change before it went live, for example.A test server can be good and bad. Usually a bit of both.

There is a test server and you can even see videos in test server (with the approval of Anet of course). WP in youtube has shown us upcoming features from a test server before and end-game guilds like DNT has tested raids and dungeons before they were released. It just isn't like LOL for example where they have an open PBE server.

Baby steps:Allow a test server to test balance changes in PVP and/or the training golem. No need to have everything available, no need to have crafting recipes available or anything that can be abused. Knowing that a certain condi build will get buffed/nerfed will allow players to tell others of this fact so when the patch hits they will have their new build ready. This isn't a bad thing.

@maddoctor.2738 said:Baby steps:Allow a test server to test balance changes in PVP and/or the training golem. No need to have everything available, no need to have crafting recipes available or anything that can be abused. Knowing that a certain condi build will get buffed/nerfed will allow players to tell others of this fact so when the patch hits they will have their new build ready. This isn't a bad thing.

And would that not push balance changes back even further? I thought the playerbase thought that too much time passed between balance updates already. It seems if there was a test server for them, and the Devs had to wait for feedback and changes, and more feedback about the changes, the 'real' updates would be even farther and fewer between.

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:And would that not push balance changes back even further? I thought the playerbase thought that too much time passed between balance updates already. It seems if there was a test server for them, and the Devs had to wait for feedback and changes, and more feedback about the changes, the 'real' updates would be even farther and fewer between.

A test server will not give them the whole picture on possible changes. A small group cannot tell you what a larger group can come up with. No matter how many you have on a test server it will never give you all the possible ways that people will play and how broken something could be that you never thought of.

If you want to set up DICOM server on public internet for hosting non-public data then I would recommend to let a professional service provider (a hospital or a reliable cloud computing company) to manage it. It is not just about technical ability to set up and operating the server, but taking full responsibility for it. Large companies employ many experts in setting up and managing secure information systems, and they still buy liability insurance to cover the costs incurred by inevitable hacks and information leaks.

I am trying to get gradle to start a server on a different process. I have the following task, but it is not working, also this is not OS independent. Is there a way to execute something like this on a different process in a way that os OS independent?

Well, the easy way to see if some method is called on server or on clients or on both is with logs. If you are using blueprint the Print String node in multiplayer show you where was called that funtion, for example: Server: my log text or Client: my log text.

Personnaly to test, I launch ue4_sourcedirectory_from_git\engine\binaries\win64\ue4editor myproject mystartingmap -server -log

and ue4_sourcedirectory_from_git\engine\binaries\win64\ue4editor myproject mystartingmap -game -log

In the scenario where your test instance is on a different version than your production instance, or you wish to target a different version for testing your processes post-upgrade, we recommend that you start with the same version of Octopus on your test instance as on your production instance. Once you have the test instance running, you can then upgrade the instance using the target version of Octopus server.

Whats being tested: I'm interesting in setting up a domain environment. IE: Domain Controller, Email server (exchange), Database server, web server, and maybe a FTP server. I would like to be able to test backup solutions, and play around with SQL.

I guess that would depend on what you want to learn. I have had Linux Servers set up at home for playing with. With most Linux distro's the hardware isn't a huge deal and you can use most any fairly modern PC with a Linux OS to set up a server. Since I dabble in web development (php, java, javascript, etc.) I like using Linux because it is easy to configure and easy to maintain the packages that I want on it. Plus i doesn't cost anything. I like CentOS, but everyone seems to have their favorites.

I have a pair of Fujitsu i3 servers that I maxed the RAM in (up to 16 GB each) and a ReadyNAS. I agree with the others that it depends on what it is you're trying to learn. There's standalone hypervisors you can run in a desktop (OracleBox) and then VMware and Hyper-V and Xen. If what you want to learn is high-level stuff you'll need to lay out for it. I also have an older ML150 G6 server that I got for free that I'm going to put Hyper-V on (since I have VMware on the two Fujitsus) so I learn something new. There are what Id call classroom servers and another great example would be the NL40 from HP (or whatever number it is now).

I'm planning on building a desktop for pretty much the same purpose (though I'm also building it to be capable of gaming - why not, right?). I also plan on setting up a SharePoint server. I'm going to do a custom built i7 desktop - despite replacing almost everything in a computer, I've never actually built one from the ground up, so it should be fun. e24fc04721

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