I am trying to use two parrelel loops to control my behavior training rig. I use a notifier to send the information from bottom loop to the top one (see attached vi). The top loop is used to control stimulus delivery and needs to read info from the bottom loop constantly. The bottom loop is used to detect licking behavior and write the time stamp of each licking event to file. I always get this Error 1 for the "get notifier status" of the top loop.

That said, you probably don't want to use a notifier for transmitting data between loops, you should use a queue instead since that will guarantee the data will arrive. I think your error stems from using the notifier status vi instead of a wait on notification. Your top loop is probably reading the notifier before there's anything in it. Typically, you would slow down your loop to with a only run when there's data instead of as fast as possible (which tends to lock up your computer). Of course, you also have 4 wait functions in the flat sequence, and I'm not sure how these don't conflict in making the top loop run quickly.

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In addition to the comments already posted it is possible that the upper loop runs for several seconds after the stop button is pressed and the lower loop stops almost immediately. In this situation the notifier will have been released before the upper loop tries to check the status. Checking status on a non-existent notifier I think will produce error 1.

Well, that's one of the problems with the sequence structures -- they take far longer than the read of the stop control (which happened immediately in your loop), so that your stop command isn't read until the next go around. Since you have 2 notifier status read vis, the second one will probably produce and error since the notifier has been closed after stop was pushed.

I noticed that when using a Queue seemed to be able to keep up with data processing faster than the notifier. At first I assumed this was because the notifier is lossy and was dropping some of the data. So I put together a quick (very contrived) benchmarking vi to test this.

Turns out, at least on the pc i was running the code on (2015 alienware r2 laptop, intel i7 4710 cpu, 16GB ram) the queue is able to move the data much quicker. A couple of runs suggested somewhere between 7 and 9 times faster than the notifier, with at most 1 or 2 elements remaining in the queue at the end of the run.

While I can't say for certain, not seeing the underlying architecture, I suspect that the additional burden on the Notifier is because it does all of the extra internal bookkeeping involved in maintaining the current value in memory, maintaining timestamps of the notifier, and having the ability to cancel notifications after issuing them.

There is no surprise why it is doing this: it is a result of the /usr/lib/ubuntu-update-notifier/lubuntu-upg-notifier.sh script having a hard-coded sleep 3600 in its loop - but is there a better way of changing it than editing this file? In particular, is there a way to have it follow the schedule set in the Software Sources Updates tab?

Update: I did not want to be that entitled, self-absorbed guy who wants open-source projects to address his particular needs, but I see that I have become him. I realize now that I should just use the notifier for critical updates, and if I want anything more, I will write it myself (and share it, if I think it is any good.)

A bit of advice, if you want to use the extension for multiple custom notifiers, you should drag out a new instance of the extension for each one - so for three custom notifiers you would see EasyDialog1, EasyDialog2, EasyDialog3 in your non visible components list at the bottom of the designer screen. Trying to reuse just the one instance makes it break!

If you want to change the time after which you will receive a update notification, then you need to open the /usr/lib/lubuntu-update-notifier/lubuntu_upg_notifer.sh file and change the sleep 3600 line. This line indicates that the script will sleep 3600 after the first update notification after startup. If you do not want any update notifications to come at all, then you need to completely remove (or comment) the content of the script just delete /etc/xdg/autostart/upg-notifier-autostart.desktop autostart file.

Notifiers are configured at the cluster level. This model ensures that only cluster owners need to configure notifiers, leaving project owners to simply configure alerts in the scope of their projects. You don't need to dispense privileges like SMTP server access or cloud account access.

Nothing has caught my attention except in the Admin Notifications log; the notifier and the postfix/postfix script seem to be reloading every 5 to 20 minutes with the config version going up to as high as 894 before the hang, then after the restart the config version starts at 5. Is this normal behavior? I saw one post related to an earlier 8.x version of the UTM that mentioned postfix as part of the internal communications of the UTM.

I tried another restore from a backup made while on Sophos UTM version 9.407-3 made on 11/26/16. I then de-selected or turned off all features within the web gui that related to notifications and email. Unfortunately, the same behavior is continuing with the notifier/postfix script reloading very frequently as logged in the Admin Notifications log:

Thanks for your input. I have not tried restoring the 11/26 configuration without any changes to notifications. However, my restore of the 11/26 configuration with all notifications deselected within the web gui has not hung in 4 days 18 hours even though the notifications/postfix version has risen up to 1051 (see log excerpt below). If it lasts more than a week, I'll start trying to reestablish limited notifications. I hope Sachin is able to find out whether this is normal behavior for the notifier.

you can do that by overriding the default notifier.flash_message_importance_mapperservice with your own implementation ofFlashMessageImportanceMapperInterfacewhere you can provide your own "importance" to "alert level" mapping.

The Deep Security notifier is a Windows taskbar application that communicates the state of the Deep Security Agent and Deep Security Relay to client machines. The notifier displays popup user notifications in the taskbar notification area when the Deep Security Agent begins a scan, or blocks malware or access to malicious web pages.

The notifier has a small footprint on the client machine, requiring less than 1MB of disk space and 1MB of memory. When the notifier is running the notifier icon () appears in the taskbar. The notifier is automatically installed by default with the Deep Security Agent on Windows computers. Use the Administration > Updates > Software > Local page to import the latest version for distribution and upgrades.

The notifier also provides a console utility for viewing the current protection status and component information, including pattern versions. The console utility allows the user to turn on and off the popup notifications and access detailed event information.

When the notifier is running on a computer hosting Deep Security Relay, the notifier's display shows the components being distributed by the relay and not the components that in effect on the computer.

When we do asynchronous work inside a notifier, we can set the state more than once. This way, the widget can rebuild and show the correct UI for every possible state (data, loading, and error).

Just unpack the post-status-notifier-lite folder into your plugins directory and activate it on your wordpress plugins page.

Then you will have the option Post Status Notifier Lite on your wordpress options page.

Cloud Build can notify you of updates to your build status bysending you notifications to desired channels. In addition tonotifiers maintained by Cloud Build such as Slack or SMTP,you can also use the provided library in thecloud-build-notifiers repository to create your own notifier.

The cloud-build-notifiers contains a lib/notifiers directory. In thelib/notifiers directory, you will see a file named notifier.go. Thisfile contains the framework you can use to create your own notifier.

If you created a notifier that's configured to perform another taskother than logging output to Cloud Run service logs, youcan also run the gcloud builds submit command to test for notificationfunctionality. To examine errors associated with your build, check theCloud Run logs for your service. To learn more, seeViewing logs in Cloud Run.

Whenever you initiate the update notifier and it's not within the interval threshold, it will asynchronously check with npm in the background for available updates, then persist the result. The next time the notifier is initiated, the result will be loaded into the .update property. This prevents any impact on your package startup performance.The update check is done in a unref'ed child process. This means that if you call process.exit, the check will still be performed in its own process.

The first time the user runs your app, it will check for an update, and even if an update is available, it will wait the specified updateCheckInterval before notifying the user. This is done to not be annoying to the user, but might surprise you as an implementer if you're testing whether it works. Check out example.js to quickly test out update-notifier and see how you can test that it works in your app.

Users of your module have the ability to opt-out of the update notifier by changing the optOut property to true in ~/.config/configstore/update-notifier-[your-module-name].json. The path is available in notifier.config.path.

Trying to solve a problem with not getting email notifications from Spectrum. Looking at the .OUT files for the notifier, I see that the address for the message isn't populated. Should the "To:" addresses be included in the content logged in the .OUT file? If so, why would it not be? e24fc04721

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