Burner Sexual Violence Reporting Project

Call 1-800-656-4673 if you need to talk to someone

What is this?

BSVRN is an anonymously-organized anonymous reporting cite for the burning man community and the burner-adjacent communities. We seek to give individuals a space to share experiences that negatively impacted them within our community. We believe this can bring healing for individuals and in some cases help to keep our communities safer. There are many reasons people choose not to report. We wish to provide an anonymous space for those who otherwise may choose not to share their experiences.

What is this not:

We are not mandatory reporters.

We will not re-contact you.

We are simply an anonymous archive of events that impact our community.

We will not (without permission), share information given to us.

If you want, we can pass along your experiences (in your preferred level of detail) to groups that track predators within burner and festival communities.

Are you safe and ready to do this?

Please take care of yourself first! Sharing these experiences can be very emotional and overwhelming. Do you have folks who are available to support you if this is overwhelming? Are you safe? Are you ready to do this? Do you agree to prioritize your emotional and physical well-being over finishing this survey? We care most about you, your safety and emotional well-being! Please call the hotlines if you need immediate support. Check out our resource page if you need ongoing support. You deserve care and healing. You are not alone. You matter.

Why does it matter?

This project is part of a broader movement that is attempting to create safe(r) spaces within the burner community and begin to hold people accountable for there actions. We wish to ensure that the same spaces and people are not repeatedly spreading patterns of harm across our community. We also wish to witness the experiences that have been silenced in our community. We are de-centralized and anonymous, but have connections to burner groups that track predatory behavior. If you wish to have your experiences passed along to them, we can do that.

Does my experience qualify?

We encourage all individuals to share any experiences of sexual violence, boundary violations, physical violence or domestic abuse within the burner community that they experience or witness.

We know this is broad, but our goal is to collect reports of many degrees of (sexual) violence in our community. We want reports of any form of sexual violence, boundary or consent violation, and assaults - including those of people being given drugs non-consensually.

If the event is sticking with you, if it feels impactful, if it is still bothering you, if it seems like something someone should know about, and you are ready, please share it.

If I report, What will happen with my report?

If you report, throughout the form, we ask what you would like to be done with each section of information you provide. You decide what happens with the information you give us.

If you agree to share your information, there are two ways it may be shared, both of which you opt into.

The first way will be to have your anonymized report forwarded to groups that track consent violations and predatory behavior in the burning man and burner-adjacent communities. Only information on the person who perpetrated, the location and general nature of the assault that occurred will be shared.

The second way information may be used is to create global statistics on reports of sexual violence in our community. This would not include specifics of your experience, but just include your experience as parts of counts.