Orientation for S.1 students 


Dear students, 

Welcome to the BSTC! The History Panel (歷史科組) would like to provide some information to help you prepare for the new subject. 

1) Our school adopts school-based notes (校本筆記) instead of textbooks. Ordering of books will be arranged in early September.

2) A set of online vocab list is provided to students:  


Some students will find it difficult to study the subject in English. We have prepared vocab lists (詞語表) to show important words. This online platform 網上平台 includes important words from each topic and you can make use of it to revise. 

We hope that you will enjoy the study of History. Please contact your subject teacher if you have any questions. See you in September! 

History Department
August, 2023

Important Notice 重要通知

Reminder: You can download past uniform test and exam papers from the AeroDrive.