Good news about DSE 2023

Our History students performed well in DSE 2023.  Good job!

Students getting Level 5: 20% (3 out of 15 students) 

Students getting Level 4 or above: 91% (14 out of 15 students, which is a record-breaking high credit rate!) 

初中歷史科電子閱讀獎勵計劃 2022  成就分享






得獎作品 - 回家   + 推廣「香港非物質文化遺產」明信片

中文版                       ENGLISH VERSION 

優異獎 Merit Award  

陳學鉦 陳曉君 鄒璐 陳立鑫 李家俊

創意獎 Creative Award (兩組同時獲獎)

王庭晞 陳曉君 鄒璐

陳湛熙 徐寶燕 林慧欽 詹元熙

嘉許獎  Appreciation Award  

馮浩霖 王庭晞 賴建熺 彭德華 李健銘

黃靜宜 馬旭毅 胡逸駿 武倩羽 張喬竣

陳慧珊 陳湛熙 徐寶燕 羅子鎣 林慧欽

詹元熙 薛釗賢 郭倩宇 黃羨文 陳佑維

羅梓烽 蔡皓霖 張芯瑜 梁若霖 林籽潼

許家莉 黃凱琳 鄭嘉麗 林子軒 陳錦雯 王俊熙

完成證書 Certificate of Completion   

 謝浩銘 巫嘉晞 杜沚姍 黎任順 白穎茹

屠康晴 許樂晴 余煒程 余健良 蔡樂希

Our first Anthology is out now!  歷史科首本文集現已推出! 

Read our students' work by clicking the link below or the image: (File format: PDF) 


Good news about DSE 2022

Two of our students, Michael Chan and Yoyo Law, obtained 5* in History in the year 2022. Congratulations to them! 

News about the Subject 學科資訊

New Books 新書推介

SEPT 2022


拿破崙的鈕釦 : 17個改變歷史的化學分子

潘妮.拉古德(Penny Le Couteur), 杰.布勒森(Jay Burreson)著 ; 洪乃容譯 ; 何子樂審訂 二版. 商周出版, 2022

Chinese Collection 340 7420

歷史的目擊者 : 以圖像作為歷史證據的運用與誤用

彼得.柏克(Peter Burke)著 ; 郭書瑄譯 馬可孛羅文化出版, 2022

Chinese Collection 603 1572

香港老美. 2, 美麗的,留下來,傳下去

黃慶雄著 經緯文化出版有限公司, 2022

Chinese Collection 739.189 4404

餐桌上的語言學家 : 從菜單看全球飲食文化史

任韶堂(Dan Jurafsky)著 ; 游卉庭譯 二版. 麥田出版, 2021

Chinese Collection 538.78 4570


摩根(Kenneth O. Morgan)著 ; 宋雲峰譯 牛津大學出版社, 2021

Chinese Collection 741.27 8076


鄺智文編撰 香港史學會, 2021

Chinese Collection 739.189 4713

MAR 2021 

題名: 希臘羅馬神話故事 : 永恆的諸神、英雄、愛情與冒險故事 = Mythology : timeless tales of gods and heroes / 伊迪斯.漢彌敦(Edith Hamilton)著 ; 余淑慧譯.
索書號: 284.95 0084

題名: 從民族解讀世界史 : 「民族」如何推動數千年來的歷史進展,政治又如何利用民族來製造對立 / 宇山卓榮著 ; 鳳妙本譯.
索書號: 711 3229

題名: 騙你5000年 : 莫忘世上蠢人多 : 上古時代就有假新聞! 從宗教、政治、科學到金融, 人類騙局的演進過程 = Hoax : a history of deception : 5,000 years of fakes, forgeries, and fallacies / 伊恩.塔特索爾(Ian Tattersall), 彼得.紐瓦羅蒙特(Peter Nevraumont)作 ; 孔令新譯.
索書號: 711 3033

題名: 狙殺太陽旗 : 美國如何擊潰大日本帝國 = Killing the rising sun: how America vanquished World War II Japan / 比爾.歐萊利(Bill O'Reilly), 馬汀.杜格(Martin Dugard)著; 莊逸抒, 劉曉同, 劉彥之譯.
索書號: 712.84 0744

題名: 餐桌上的語言學家 : 從菜單看全球飲食文化史 = The language of food : a linguist reads the menu / 任韶堂(Dan Jurafsky)著 ; 游卉庭譯.
索書號: 538.78 4570

題名: 簡明香港華人風俗史 / 黃競聰著.
索書號: 739.189 4401

題名: 百年抗疫 : 1918後被流感改變的世界 = Influenza : the hundred year hunt to cure the deadliest disease in history / 傑瑞米.布朗(Jeremy Brown)作 ; 王晨瑜譯.
索書號: 415.237 1705

題名: Our journey west : the Oregon trail adventures of Sarah Marshall / Gare Thompson.
館藏地: English Collection / 索書號: 973 THO / 到館: 2021-02-05
This book introduces the history of Oregon Trail 奧勒岡小徑 - the tough stories of the people in America made expeditions 開拓 in the 19th century. 

題名: Armistice 1918 / Reg Grant.
館藏地: English Collection / 索書號: 940 GRA / 到館: 2021-02-05
This title introduces how the First World War ended in 1918. 

題名: 香港史 : 從遠古到九七 / 劉智鵬, 劉蜀永編著.
館藏地: Chinese Collection / 索書號: 739.1 7287 / 到館: 2021-01-28

題名: Trading Places : a photographic journey through China's former treaty ports / Nicholas Kitto ; with a foreword by Robert Bickers.

館藏地: Oversized collection / 索書號: 720 KIT / 到館: 2021-01-18

Check here for updates: 

Food for thought  靜思語

The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it.


Karl Marx, Theses On Feuerbach  (1845) 

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to
change the world. 


  Nelson Mandela, anti-Apartheid revolutionary and former President of South Africa   

Study history, study history. 
In history lies all the secrets of statecraft.


  Winston Churchill, former British Prime Minister  

 "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."


 George Santayana, Spanish writer and philosopher 

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,
it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness,
it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity,
it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness,
it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair,
we had everything before us, we had nothing before us,
we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – 

A Tale of the Two Cities by Charles Dickens  


-- 狄更斯《雙城記》

*A Tale of the Two Cities is a historical novel set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution.