Online Teaching Resources

1.Live Events

Design your own website for FREE

Microsoft Teams, Onenote, OBS

Handle Online lecture Pen tablet, Xournal++

Learn MOODLE LMS within an hour

Online Evaluation Tools Testmoz full version

Q&A on Google Classroom, Edmodo

Q&A on Autocrat, Libreoffice Mail Merge

Q&A on OBS, ZOOM, Google Meet

Q&A on Google, Microsoft Forms, Testmoz

2.Demonstration Videos

Google Forms

Google Forms Quiz

Microsoft Forms

Testmoz for Online Exams

Google Classroom

Edmodo LMS

OBS Studio for Online lecture and live streaming

Zoom and Google meet for Online Teaching

Pen Tablet for Online Teaching

Certifyem for Auto generate Certificates

Customized Certificates using Certify'em

Libreoffice Mailmerge for Certificates

AutoCrat for auto generate Certificates

OBS Studio explained in Hindi Language

Google forms for Administration(English)

Google Forms and Classroom

Google forms for Administration(Marathi)

Google forms Vs Microsoft forms: My Opinion

3. Presentations(pdf)

Google forms.pdf

Google Forms

Google forms quiz.pdf

Google Forms Quiz

Microsoft forms.pdf

Microsoft Forms

Testmoz - ICT Mumbai.pdf

Testmoz: Free and Paid version

Google Classroom.pdf

Google Classroom

Edmodo LMS.pdf

Edmodo LMS

AutoCrat to send certificates.pdf

AutoCrat for certificates

Libreoffice Mail Merge.pdf

Libreoffice MailMerge

Certifyem for Autogenerate Certificates.pdf

Certifyem for Certificates

Online assesment tools and techniques.pdf

Online Assessment Tools and Techniques

4.Other useful videos & Pdfs

National Education Policy 2020-Part1

National Education Policy 2020-Part2

National Education Policy 2020-Part3

Dr. Udhave Bhosle, Vice Chancellor of SRTMU, Nanded- His journey

Teachers Feedback on our FDP-3

Teachers Feedback on our FDP-1

BNJagatap(NEP 2020 SRTMNU).pdf

NEP2020-Prof B N Jagatap

Pandit Vidyasagar NEP 2020 SRTMUN.pdf

NEP2020-Prof Pandit Vidyasagar


NEP2020-Prof S S Mantha


NEP2020-Prof Ram Ramaswamy