Merit Badges
What are Merit Badges?
Merit badges are the markers of the activities, disciplines, professions, and skills that Scouts explore. Completing them helps them develop self-reliance, project management, communication, goal-setting skills. If a Scout is aiming to be an Eagle, he must earn a minimum of 21 merit badges, 13 of which need to be Eagle-required, and the rest of which are guided only by the Scout's interests. Scouts may earn merit badges from the time they enter Scouts until they turn 18. There is no other time limit on how long they take to complete the badge.
Pick a badge you are interested in. Review the requirements to make sure they are doable for you at this time.
Finding a buddy who is also interested is a great idea. Much more fun to do these with someone if you can.
Get a blue card from the Scout Master (Mr. Redmond), and give it to that badge's Merit Badge Counselor. See below for the t153 MB Counselors. Others can be found by asking Mr. Redmond or Mrs. Blake.
Work on the requirements, and record your progress on a MB worksheet. (It doesn't count unless you can show the counselor proof that you completed it.)
Get the requirements signed off on by the MB Counselor. SCOUT SHOULD MAKE SURE THAT COUNSELOR INDICATES REQUIREMENT #s, Date & Initials EACH or it will be rejected by scoutmaster.
Give the signed blue card to the Scout Master (Mr. Larison).
Scout Master will approve and give to the Advancement Coordinator (Mrs. Vanic).
Advancement Coordinator registers the MB completion with Chester County Council, and obtains the badge when it is available.
SPL awards your Merit Badge at the next meeting!
Here' are some specific instructions for those who need more detail than the above.
Merit Badge Pamphlet Library
These Merit Badge pamphlets are available from the troop librarian. (Click me)
You can also google some merit badge pamphlets that are available online. Here's how to download pamphlets as pdf's. (Click Me). Here is how to google merit badges. (Click me)
Here's a great list of pamphlets from Troop 109 in Randolph, NJ:
Merit Badge Resources
Consider starting your independent MB work at, a website that has guides and videos for many merit badges, as well as lots of other scout stuff like leadership, Eagle projects, etc.!
Merit Badge Colleges
Several times a year, local Boy Scout councils will offer a Merit Badge College--a weekend or two where Scouts can work intensively on earning a small handful of merit badges. Here are the Merit Badge Colleges in our area:
Cradle of Liberty Council: usually in March and April:
Del-Mar-Va Council in Elkton, MD: usually in January and February: