Thank you to all our panellists, attendees, and everyone who made the conference a success!

Given the developing situation in Adelaide with COVID-19 restrictions, it has become necessary to hold the conference entirely online. It will be run as a series of webinars on Zoom, which allows interaction with audience members and flexible question-and-answer sessions.

In light of national and international travel restrictions, we have decided to offer free registration for this year’s conference.

Conference Dates

Monday 30 Nov to Wednesday 2 Dec 2020

Public lecture - Danielle Clode

To coincide with the conference, award-winning author Danielle Clode will deliver a public lecture on her forthcoming book In Search of the Woman who Sailed the World.

The book explores the life of Jeanne Barret, who became the first woman to circumnavigate the world after disguising herself as a man to join Bougainville's voyage of 1766–9.

View Danielle's presentation on HistorySA's YouTube channel.

Conference sponsors

Now for some friendly cross-promotion ...

XVII David Nichol Smith Seminar in Eighteenth-Century Studies

‘Dark Enlightenments’. 13 November – 11 December 2020. Adelaide, Australia

The Australian and New Zealand Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ANZSECS), Flinders University, and the University of Adelaide invite you to the 17th David Nichol Smith (DNS) Seminar for Eighteenth-Century Studies. Inaugurated in 1966 by the National Library of Australia, the DNS is the leading forum for eighteenth-century studies in Australasia. It brings together scholars from across the region and internationally who work on the long eighteenth century in a range of disciplines, including history, literature, art and architectural history, philosophy, theology, the history of science, musicology, anthropology, archaeology and studies of material culture.