Research interests

Main publications 

Bukowski, P., Sawulski, J., Brzezinski, M. (2024). Nierówności po polsku (Inequalities in Poland). Wydawnictwo Krytyki Politycznej, Warszawa.

Brzezinski, M. and K. Sałach-Dróżdż (2024). The Short-Term Macroeconomic Impact of Populism: A Case Study of Poland. Economics & Politics, 36(2), 832-867.

Gromadzki, J., Sałach, K. and Brzezinski, M. (2024). When populists deliver on their promises: the electoral effects of a large cash transfer programme in Poland. Economica, 91(361), 320-345.

Brzezinski, M. and L. Morawski (2023). How do the right-wing populist majoritarian governments redistribute? Evidence from Poland, 2005-2019. Social Policy & Administration.

Brzezinski, M. (2022). Does income redistribution impede innovation? Research Policy, 51(10), 104603.

Sałach, K. and M. Brzezinski (2022). Political connections and the super-rich in Poland. Economic Systems.

Brzezinski, M., Myck, M., Najsztub, M. (2022). Sharing the gains of transition: evaluating changes in income inequality and redistribution in Poland using combined survey and tax return data. European Journal of Political Economy, 73(June), 102121.

Brzezinski, M., Sałach, K. (2022). Determinants of inequality in transition countries. IZA World of Labor 2022: 496.

Brzezinski, M., Sałach, K. (2021). Factors that account for the wealth inequality differences between post-socialist countries. Economic Modelling, 105(December), 105649.

Brzezinski, M (2021). The Impact of Past Pandemics on Economic and Gender Inequalities. Economics and Human Biology, 43(December), 101039.

Brzezinski, M. (2020). The evolution of inequality of opportunity in Europe. Applied Economics Letters 27(4), 262–266.

Brzeziński, M., K. Sałach, and M. Wroński (2020). Wealth inequality in Central and Eastern Europe: evidence from joined household survey and rich lists’ data. Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, 28(4), 637–660.

Brzezinski, M. (2019a). Diagnosing unhappiness dynamics: Evidence from Poland and Russia. Journal of Happiness Studies 20(7), 2291–2327.

Brzezinski, M. (2019b). Top incomes and subjective well-being. Journal of Economic Psychology 73, 60–65.

Brzezinski, M. (2018a). Income inequality and the Great Recession in Central and Eastern Europe. Economic Systems 42(2), 219-247.

Brzeziński, M. and M. Najsztub (2017). The impact of „Family 500+” programme on household incomes, poverty and inequality. Polityka Społeczna (Social Policy) 44(1), 16–25.

Brzezinski, M. (2016). Robust estimation of the Pareto tail index: a Monte Carlo analysis. Empirical Economics 51(1), 1–30.

Brzezinski, M. (2015a). Accounting for trends in health poverty: a decomposition analysis for Britain, 1991–2008. The European Journal of Health Economics 16(2), 153–159.

Brzezinski, M. (2015c). Power laws in citation distributions: evidence from Scopus. Scientometrics 103(1), 213–228.

Brzezinski, M. (2015d). Relative Risk Aversion and Power-Law Distribution of Macroeconomic Disasters. Journal of Applied Econometrics 30(1), 170–175.

Brzezinski, M. (2014a). Do wealth distributions follow power laws? Evidence from ‘rich lists’. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 406, 155–162.

Brzezinski, M. (2014b). Empirical modeling of the impact factor distribution. Journal of Informetrics 8(2), 362–368.

Brzezinski, M. (2014d). Statistical inference for richness measures. Applied Economics 46(14), 1599–1608.

Letki, N., M. Brzeziński, and B. Jancewicz (2014). The rise of inequalities in Poland and their impacts: When politicians don’t care but citizens do. In Brian Nolan et al. (eds.), Changing Inequalities and Societal Impacts in Rich Countries. Thirty Countries’ Experiences, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 488–513.

 Brzezinski, M. (2013a). Asymptotic and bootstrap inference for top income shares. Economics Letters 120(1), 10–13.

Brzezinski, M. (2013c). Top income shares and crime. Applied Economics Letters 20(4), 309–315.

Brzeziński, M. (2013c). Parametric modelling of income distribution in Central and Eastern Europe. Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics 3(5), 207–230.

Brzezinski, M. (2012a). Accounting for recent trends in absolute poverty in Poland: A decomposition analysis. Post-Communist Economies 24(4), 465–475.

Brzezinski, M. (2012b). The Chen–Shapiro test for normality. Stata Journal 12(3), 368–374.

Brzezinski, M. (2011a). Statistical inference on income polarization in Poland. Przegląd Statystyczny 58, 102–113. 

Brzezinski, M. (2010). Income Affluence in Poland. Social Indicators Research 99(2), 285–299.

Brzeziński, M. and K. Kostro (2010). Income and consumption inequality in Poland, 1998–2008. Bank i Kredyt 41(4), 45–72.

Brzezinski, M. and M. Dzielinski (2009). Is endogenous growth theory degenerating? Another look at Lakatosian appraisal of growth theories. Journal of Economic Methodology 16(3), 243–263.

Working papers 

Brzezinski, M., Sałach-Dróżdż, K. (2023). Prudent Populists? the Short-Term Macroeconomic Impact of Populist Policies in Poland. Working paper.

Gromadzki, J., Sałach, K., Brzezinski, M. (2022). When populists deliver on their promises: the electoral effects of a large cash transfer program in Poland. Working paper.

Brzezinski, M. (2021). The impact of past pandemics on CO2 emissions and transition to renewable energy . Working paper.

Brzeziński, M.  (2013). Income polarization and economic growth. National Bank of Poland Working Paper No. 147.

Other works

Brzeziński, M. (2017). Is high inequality an issue in Poland? IBS Policy Paper.