
Great coaching requires the ability to really understand you, how you think, and your perspective. Once I have gotten to know you, I will challenge you with new perspectives to help you grow. I want to empower you, guide you to foresee the future, pave the way, and help you along the way as you achieve your goals and overcome limiting paradigms.

My goal for you is to reach your leadership potential, striving to exceed your maximum potential professionally and personally.

Types of Coaching


With one-on-one coaching, you’ll receive private and confidential coaching that is specifically designed for your needs. When working individually, my highest objective is to help you reach your purpose, vision, and goals by working through John Maxwell’s programs. Together, we will create a strategic, powerful plan for you to gain clarity through a weekly process including interaction and accountability.

We’ll discuss ideas like:

Individual Coaching fees:

Initial Consultation (30-45 minutes):  No cost

Contact me for pricing so that we can develop a plan to meet your need!

Group Coaching: 

With group coaching, you will meet with a group in a small setting onsite or via webinar and video technology. A group coaching experience has many benefits, including the ability to have the entire group’s input, which magnifies the richness of the discussions. This results in developing solutions that are above and beyond what any individual can create.The cohesive bond that is formed empowers each person to develop the leader within and shine in a safe environment that nurtures the group as a whole. It is an experience unlike any other and follows the same premise as an academic think tank.

Group Coaching Fees:

Initial Consultation (30-45 minutes): No cost

Contact me for pricing so that we can develop a plan to meet your need!

**to ensure effectiveness of the coaching process, groups are limited to no more than 6 participants