Candidate Platform
My name is Bryan Rodriguez and I am a political science major at Ventura College. I am an Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) and first-generation college student. Currently, I am the President of “Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx De Atlzan” MEChA and Vice President of the Political Science Club at Ventura College. Over the past couple of years I have held the following positions:
Student Representative, Oxnard High School Site Council (2019-2020)
California Latinx Capitol Foundation Association Intern (2021)
Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin’s District Office Intern (2019)
Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin’s Young Legislators Program (2018-2019)
Oxnard City Manager's Office Intern (2018)
These experiences gave me a unique understanding of government and public policy. As Student Representative, I collaborated with my school's administration and worked with parents to develop the 2020 School Plan for Student Achievement. This strategic plan helped us maximize our resources and expand support services, increasing student achievement. Similar to the role of Student Trustee, I shared the insight I had acquired as a student and worked to enhance our learning environment. As an Intern for Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin, I assisted the Communications Director on amplifying district-wide events. I also gained valuable communication and problem solving skills to help constituents who reached out for assistance.
Additionally, I attended the following conferences and training sessions that have prepared me for this role:
Community College League of California Student Trustees Workshop (2021)
Student Senate For Community Colleges Student Trustee Retreat (2021)
These conferences equipped me with the understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a Student Trustee and provided the opportunity to network with other Student Trustees from around the state. I am the only candidate who attended these conferences and have the experience and connections needed to succeed in this position.
I have also attended Board of Trustee meetings and followed the discussions of the board the last couple of months. Accordingly, I have already begun to develop a collegial relationship with some of the board members.
I decided to run because students deserve to be fairly represented, listened to, and have policies that reflect and support their realities and struggles inside and outside the classroom. As Student Trustee I will work with all relevant stakeholders to advance the following priorities:
Justice Equity Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI)
Push for the dismantling of policies that enforce racial biases and policies that negatively affect students and their communities.
Advocate for a just and equitable budget allocation model that distributes funds equitably to each college.
Encourage and advocate for a diverse hiring of faculty and staff.
Pursue the development of a Multicultural center at each campus.
Student Retention and Engagement Initiatives
Analyze financial insecurity within the student population and address their needs.
Champion a more flexible course selection.
Collaborate with student governments and district staff to promote a culture of community and student engagement at each college.
Build community partnerships to provide students with the training and skills to succeed in the labor market.
Explore the expansion of quality child care and mental health services on campus.
Advocate for student input and consultation on matters significantly affecting students.
Promote a culture of shared governance and student participation.
Oversee operations and hold the District and Colleges accountable on their mission statements and strategic goals.
I will also diligently monitor the evolving COVID-19 pandemic and advise the board on the impacts it is having on students, faculty, and college communities. I believe every student should have the opportunity to succeed at any of our colleges. I look forward to earning your vote to become VCCCD’s next Student Trustee.
Should you have any questions or concerns please contact me at and follow me on instagram @Bryan4VCCCD for updates.