

"Does exposure to more women in male-dominated fields render female students more career-oriented?" (with Fernanda Estevan). Accepted, Management Science

"Gender differences in performance under different evaluation schemes and the leaky pipeline in Economics" (with Fabiana Rocha, Paula Pereda, Maria Dolores Diaz, Gabriel Monteiro, Luiza Karpavicius, Liz Matsunaga, and Clara Brenck). Accepted, Estudos Econômicos

"Are women less persistent? Evidence from submissions to a nationwide meeting of Economics" with  Paula Pereda, Fabiana Rocha, Maria Dolores Diaz, Renata Narita, Jesus Mena-Chalco, Liz Matsunaga, and Clara Brenck. Applied Economics, 2022. (Online version) 

"Gender differences in academic career of economics in Brazil" with Fabiana Rocha, Paula Pereda, Liz Matsunaga, Maria Dolores Diaz, and Renata Narita. Cuadernos de Economia, 2021. (Online version)  

Working papers

"Gender differences in prioritizing rewarding tasks" (with Fernanda Estevan and Louis-Philippe Morin). R&R Journal of Labor Economics

"Evaluating the impact of a principals' professional development program on school management practices: Evidence from Brazil". (with Gabriel Leite, Ricardo Madeira and Luis Meloni) Submitted.

"Seeds of Disparity: the Gender Land Divide from Brazil's Agricultural Transition" (with Rafael Araujo, Francisco Costa, and Kelly Santos). Submitted. 

"Gender peer effects on major choice".

Other publications

"Assessing the impacts of Mais Educacao on educational outcomes: evidence between 2007 and 2011". Washington, D.C.: World Bank Group., 2016 Policy Research Working Paper (with Rita Almeida, Antonio Bresolin, Karen Mendes and Naercio Menezes-Filho)

Work in progress

"Early career wages and test scores in Brazil". (with Martin Carnoy and Leonardo Rosa)

"Gendered family peer effects" (with Fernanda Estevan)