A few facts on dental malpractice cases

Image source: ginsburg-law.com

Image source: dentalmallawyer.com

According to medical doctor and trial attorney Bruce G. Fagel, there are a number of branches of medical malpractice. One of them centers on the world of dentistry. Today's blog talks about important facts about dental malpractice.

Dental malpractice is a much less common form of medical malpractice when compared to other types. This type of tort occurs in much less than one percent of all dental procedures. Patients and their attorney will have a difficult time winning a lawsuit if the case is not fully prepared. Dental malpractice cases are unique due to several reasons.

First, if a dentist commits malpractice, the results are typically very bad for the patient, leading to dramatic shifts in lifestyle and health. There is also often extensive publicity surrounding these cases because of this fact.

Also, dental malpractice cases can be much more difficult to prove. The lawyer representing the patient must show the jury what went wrong and how it led to damage of their client's well-being. This requires intense preparation for these types of lawsuits.

Possible damages in dental malpractice cases include payment for any medical expenses resulting from the malpractice, payment for physical pain and suffering from the malpractice which can occur in the past or future, lost wages if a patient can no longer work because of damage caused by the malpractice, and additional damages based on how a jury views the severity of the case.

Dental malpractice is one of many areas where medical malpractice can occur. This type of case is important because it affects the lives of many people on a daily basis. The procedures that dentists perform are often necessary for some patients to maintain their health. Any and all negligence of the dentist and his team in this area should be handled swiftly and with serious consequences, Bruce G. Fagel adds.

Learn more about Dr. Bruce G. Fagel and his law practice by visiting their official website.