Learning Event Series

A Journey to Action: 

Driving Forward Systems Change 

Picking up from where we left off in 2023, this year's event series was focused on reinforcing the community's understanding of systems change and engaging partners in county-specific action planning to create change.    

Through April and May, 5 events were held, hosting 150 participants. Participants began by reviewing the systems change maps created in 2023 and exploring the possible types of system change: program, policy/procedure, and environmental change.  They deepened their understanding of systems change with an interactive activity breaking down intention, action, and stakeholders needed to move forward transformational change efforts.  

BRR Leadership outlined an 8-step approach to advocating for change (download our handout - Advocacy and the Process of Systems Change). The process created 14 county-level action plans outlining steps for system changes. Planned changes include:

Check out each county's action plan below and get involved with change that builds resilience!

Advocating for Change Handout.docx

Our Theory of Change - We build resilience by implementing trauma and poverty-informed Capacity Building, Community Awareness, and Systems Change.

About Our Project

The Building a Region of Resilience Initiative is a Resilient Georgia, grant-funded project. It is designed to build capacity, increase community awareness and advocate for systems change that improves resilience and long-term outcomes for children and families in northwest Georgia. The focus, individuals struggling in the crisis of poverty and experiencing complex trauma. 

By implementing 101 workshops and evidence-based trauma- and poverty-informed trainings, we aspire to build a common language that allows our partners and communities to collaborate for the benefit of our most vulnerable families.

The project is led by the 14 Georgia Family Connection Collaborative organizations in the network's Region 1 and guided by their leadership. (Connect with your county's Georgia Family Connection Collaborative)

Why This Project ?

When we have a better understanding of our neighbors in the crisis of poverty and the root causes to poverty, especially generational poverty, we can learn to connect in ways that break the cycle of poverty and create resiliency in our communities.

The understanding of trauma helps professionals, organizations and collaborative efforts better identify and meet the needs of the children, parents, families, and communities we all serve. When we improve our understanding, we increase our capacity for empathy and compassion in our approach.

Join Us

The Georgia Family Connection collaboratives in Northwest Georgia are leading this project. We invite you to become a partner in your local collaborative and support the strategies designed to meet the unique needs and challenges of the children and families in their assigned county. Click here to find your collaborative.

Our Facebook Group serves as a community of support and learning that provides our partners and their staff the opportunity to share ideas, information, and resources; ask for and receive support and encouragement; connect to resources; and build resilience to inspire it in others. www.facebook.com/groups/resiliencenwga/   

Our Common Language

Support us in building a common language to address poverty and trauma in our communities. 

When we speak the same language, we are better able to collaborate and ensure we are on the same page as we build resilience in our families and communities. 

Common or shared language refers to the vocabulary, terms and words use to describe the key issues, areas of focus or frameworks for a collaborative effort. 

In the Building a Region of Resilience initiative, our common language refers to the terminology we use to describe trauma, poverty, resilience and our collective approach to addressing them. By using a common language, we hope to reduce barriers to understanding and foster productive conversations that lead to solutions and systems change.

The Building a Region of Resilience Initiative is a Resilient Georgia, grant-funded project. To learn more about our funders, visit them online at: https://www.resilientga.org/