Bus Info
Information for Bus Riders
Information for Bus Riders
Below is the Valley Metro page that provides information about each bus route. Look up what stops are closest to you, and when you can expect a bus to arrive.
Want to talk to somebody about when your bus is coming? Call Valley Metro's help line at 540-982-2222.
We also recommend using Google Maps to map out your route. For the most part, this is kept up to date and is reliable.
Valley Metro has an app called VMGo, which should have up to date bus location information starting in fall of 2022. Search for it in your app store, or use the browser version here: https://www.vmgoapp.com/.
Having trouble finding your Route?
Having trouble finding your Route?
Here's a system route map of all Metro bus lines. Locate the one that runs closest to your destination, and get to riding!