
Broxina Neonzasshu is an alien VTuber from the planet Mmaimo. She first started her VTuber activities on Twitch in October 2020. She would later leave Twitch to become a YouTuber in August 2022. Her content primarily consists of gaming videos, but she hopes to branch out into other forms of content in the future. She is currently active on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr.


Birthday: September 13

Height: 223cm | 7'3''

Ethnicity: Mixed race

Species: Superno (Alien)

Gender: Female

Language: English

What Happened?

Long ago, a planet was born. This planet is the home of the Magootans. Of course, it’s my home too. The home of the Magootans, and me, a hybrid. My planet is friendly and passive. The people are nice and show no intentions of harm. Most friendly and passive planets are unadvanced, but we were lucky, as our smarts allowed us to successfully advanced in our science. More specifically, space science. 

Traveling and adventure have always been in Magootan blood. And with the technological advancement of space travel, it wasn’t long before we would start to visit other planets. With each planet we visited, we would take home a souvenir. At one point, my people traveled to Earth and found a shed of human hair. Now, unlike the Earth, our planet has only one mama. The one who gives us life. She produces our species once a day, but we found that if we offer mama our souvenirs, she can create hybrids. My people offered mama human hair and I was born.

Everything was great! My people treated me very well! They kind of had to. My body is different from theirs, giving me different needs from theirs. We never had houses beforehand. We didn’t need them. But my body required more attention so they gave me a home. I often wore more clothes than they did because my body temperature wasn’t already suited for the planet. They also had to compensate for my different eating habits. Constantly trying to make new types of meals in hopes that they will satisfy me. Although it was nice, I eventually noticed this special treatment. I also noticed that I was rather slow. Because I was a slower worker and a high-maintenance person, they decided it’d be best for me to be sent to a friendly and passive planet of hybrids. A planet where I am more at everyone’s pace. I agreed and was on my way.

Unfortunately, the spacecraft I was in ran into issues and we needed to take an emergency landing on the nearest planet. Earth. The first few days were scary I’ll admit, but as time went on, I saw how beautiful it all was. The grass, the trees, the sky, they were all strange colors, yet somehow they all fell in place perfectly.

It was fun for a while, but the longer I lived on this planet, the more I saw the pain it was going through. It was a strange feeling as my planet had no reason to be sad. At least, that’s what I thought anyway. But humans, as they get older, appear to be trapped in a constant state of pain. I couldn’t understand why. Eventually, this led to my own sadness. I didn’t know if I could do anything to stop it. For the longest time, I thought that was my fate, only to discover that it wasn’t true. It’s hard to explain why or even how, but at one point, I learned to love myself again. And it was freeing. 

So now I live on Earth. Of course, I’m still a little bit slower than everyone else. This isn’t where I’m supposed to be after all. But that’s okay because the Earth has some things that I would have never thought to be a reality! They have the internet! They have cats! They have bagels! And even though some things may be more fascinating than others, I can’t help but be fascinated by it all. Even though this planet can be painful, it’s not a planet I would take for granted. Even if I miss my true home.

 First Video!