
10/3-6/2023: Daniel, Bri, and Ellie traveled to Portland, OR for that American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) conference to share our work on new particle formation and growth at the DOE ARM Southern Great Plains Research station. Congrats to Daniel on winning a student platform presentation award!

8/7/2023: We welcome our collaborators from the University of Iowa (Prof Charles Stanier, Grad students Jeewani Meepage and Saeideh Mohammadi, and undergrad Carlos Gutierrez) to campus to conduct siloxane oxidation chamber experiments in the environmental chambers. Welcome!

6/29/2023: Mitch's paper "Generalized Kendrick analysis for improved visualization of atmospheric mass spectral data" is out  doi:10.5194/amt-16-3273-2023. Check out our GitHub for the code that goes along with it!

5/17/2023: Daniel's paper "Chemical identification of new particle formation and growth precursors through positive matrix factorization of ambient ion measurements" is out https://acp.copernicus.org/articles/23/5567/2023/

4/21/2023: So many student accomplishments to recognize from the past few weeks!! From left to right. Nate Reed (joint with Tolbert group) successfully defended his PhD dissertation "The Effects of Trace H2S in Laboratory Experiments of Planetary Organic Haze Chemistry." Bri gave a fantastic 3rd year divisional seminar on their work on new particle formation at the DOE ARM Southern Great Plains site. Hanalei passed her PhD candidacy exam. Daniel's first paper (on ambient ions at SGP) was accepted. Ebenezer @CUBoulderCHEM undergrad was accepted into the McNair scholars program. And last but not least Karla (not pictured), CHEM undergrad and former @CiresEO RECCS student, was accepted into the McNair program, NASA SARP summer program, and is an incoming NOAA Hollings fellow! 

1/5/2023: Ellie is recognized as an ACS Environmental Au Rising Star. Check out this for more information.

12/2023: Ellie is chairing the session "New Chemical Regimes" and presenting on our work on planetary hazes at the Atmospheric Chemical Mechanisms conference in Davis, CA. Nate is presenting on the optical properties of haze in reducing atmospheres and Karla is presenting on her urea work at the American Geophysical Union fall meeting in Chicago, IL.

10/20/2022: Congratulations to Jared on a fantastic undergraduate honors thesis defense! 

10/19/2022: For this week’s #HumansOfCIRES, meet Bri Dobson, a chem PhD candidate @browne_lab_CU! Bri studies particle formation in the atmosphere, they spent 2mos @armnewsteam Southern Great Plains atmospheric observatory & they love to knit + crochet Full interviewhttps://bit.ly/3CLZjCR 

9/2022: Nate and Ellie are off to the Netherlands to participate in a Lorentz Center workshop "Tracing Sulfur from Molecular Clouds to the Origin of Life" at the University of Leiden.