Student Training 4 Athletic, Recreation & Sports

Healthy & Holistic Education

We focus on state Physical Education Standards and strive to develop physically and psychologically educated students who have the knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of positive activities.


Kids who play sports have fewer emotional and behavioral problems and are less likely to do drugs or have bad body image. The benefits are so impressive that James Hudziak, MD, Director of the Vermont Center for Children, Youth, and Families, encourages all kids to play sports recreationally, even as they get older.

BroustarAcademy recreational and sport related activities are offered during out of school hours; after-school, weekends and during academic breaks.

Rugby, a Youth Olympic Game.

Flag Rugby is a safe and fun non- contact version of the Olympic sport, developed for schools and communities

• Flags or two hand touch may be used

• All players will run, pass, and score

• For boys and girls of all ages

Perfect for any school environment, keeping kids active and safe.

Curriculum approved by US Olympic committee, SafeSport.org, The National Federation of State High School Associations, USA Rugby, and International Rugby Board.

Soccer, a Youth Olympic Game.

We provide a fun, safe and healthy game for all kids. This includes youth grades 3rd - 8th, who want to play for one game or one season or longer. Kids are different, and because they are different, their physical, social and psychological needs are different. Youth Soccer recognizes this, and our programs are aimed at meeting the different needs of all kids. Soccer is a Youth Olympic game.

Archery, a Youth Olympic Game.

NASP is an in-school program aimed at improving educational performance among students in grades 4th – 12th. And through it, students are learning focus, self-control, discipline, patience, and the life lessons required to be successful in the classroom and in life.


Pickleball is a paddleball sport (similar to tennis) that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis. Two or four players use solid paddles made of wood or composite materials to hit a perforated polymer ball, similar to a Wiffle Ball, over a net.

We offer youth both community based recreational and competitive opportunities for those interested in the Youth Olympic Games (YOGA) Association.

Y.O.G.A. is an elite sporting event for young people, ages 13-18, from all over the world.