Nemo Horror Story

Almost everyone has seen "Finding Nemo" but very few people know the horrific story of what went down behind the scenes while filming.

Today I am going to share with you Disney's recent announcement explaining how Gill really came to get his scar and why he refuses to do his own stunts in the movies he plays in.

Disney has recently revealed the details of the incident after an anonymous star of the movie made the story public. In an anonymous interview one of the co-stars of the film opened up, stating "With the upcoming release of "Finding Dory" and Disney capability of moving forward with little regard for the feelings of the victims, I believe now is the time to tell the world about how the Walt Disney Company is full of lies and manipulation, and how they covered up the murders of many actors, with no pity for their friends or family."

Below is a copy of Disney's press release in response to this interview.

June 18, 2016

The Walt Disney Company Executives to Discuss Past Incident Regarding the 2003 "Finding Nemo" Film

BURBANK, CA (June 18, 2016) - Today the Walt Disney company opens up about the recent story made public regarding an incident between actors on set of "Finding Nemo."

"The scene in which Marlin and Dory get into the Pelican's mouth and taken to the dentist office to find Nemo was not originally written into the script. It was created later on by our producers to replace a scene that, when first filmed, did not go as planned.

The original scene was actually filmed starring Chris the Crane rather than Nigel the Pelican. In the scene, Chris was directed to carry each fish in the dentist office tank, one by one, to the ocean to help them escape the tank and reunite Nemo with his father. In the scene it was written that Gill volunteers to go first and that the crane would first have to prove his loyalty by taking Gill to the ocean and back to the dentist, without eating him.

It must also be noted that Gill was the only fish on set that did his own stunts. The rest of the actors had a stunt-double to perform this scene.

Because this scene required two separate settings, the tank and the ocean, we had prepared to film Chris leaving with the fish, one by one first, and then we would film the arrival of each fish to the ocean, one by one at a different time later in the day. While filming the scene Chris the Crane took Gill to the ocean and back like planned but when it came time to begin the transfer of each fish, nothing went as expected. Chris the Crane didn't take Gill back to his dressing room tank like instructed, but instead took him away behind the set to eat him. Chris, however, did not like the taste of Gill so he threw him aside and continued with the other fish. One by one he took the other fish away to eat them, but because the other actors had stunt doubles to perform this scene, none of the other "stars" of the movie were harmed. When it came time to take Bloat (the pufferfish), Bloat had become suspicious and when he was in the mouth of the Crane he became aware that he was not being carried to his dressing room tank like planned but rather somewhere to be eaten, so he puffed up inside the crane's mouth, poking him, and poisoning him to death. The crew found Gill afterwards, fighting for his life with a nasty scar across his face.The actions of Chris horrified the entire crew, and the producers decided that it would be in the best interest of the entire set to change the scene, hire Nigel to replace Chris, and to not mention what had happened to any press.

"I have never experienced a co-star with so little respect for others' lives. I am very lucky to be alive today and to have the support of my family, friends, and Disney producers," Said Gill

After the recent anonymous interview releasing this information to the public, we decided to come forward to explain the events that transpired and to apologize for the harm, sadness, and anger this caused any set member, fans of the movie, or friends and family of the victims."

Author Note: I used "The Cunning Crane and the Crab" as my main source for this story. This is a story that describes a devious Crane who takes advantage of fish stranded in a puddle, by offering to take them to a lake nearby. In the original story the Crane takes them to a tree to eat them instead, but at the end of the story there is a crab who cannot be fooled by the crane, who ends up snipping the Crane's head off when the Crane tried to deceive him.

I also used the 2003 Disney "Finding Nemo" film as a source of inspiration to make the story more my own, while still making it a story that could be seen as "well-known" to others reading it. After reading The Cunning Crane and the Crab, I was reminded of the scene in Finding Nemo where Marlin and Dory get inside Nigel the Pelican's mouth to be carried to Nemo, where they couldn't get to on their own. I simply changed the the fish to match those within Finding Nemo, and because there was no crab in the tank I changed the crab into Bloat the pufferfish. I left Gill alive In my story, unlike the original fish in "The Cunning Crane and the Crab," to add the extra backstory to his scar. I also changed the style of this story as a press announcement from Disney to add more depth.

Bibliography: "The Cunning Crane and the Crab" from The Giant Crab, and Other Tales from Old India by W. H. D. Rouse Web Link

Fish like Gill: Wikimedia

Fish like Gil: Wikimedia

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