
About Me

Hi, my name is Brooke Cohen, I'm passionate about creating art that resonates with me and hopefully with others as well. Here's a bit about me and my artistic journey:

My Artistic Style

I create art that I genuinely enjoy looking at—art that reflects my authenticity and showcases the things I find interesting. My work is a reflection of my relationship with the world.

Sources of Inspiration

My creative inspiration comes from a variety of sources. I love observing the world around me, seeing how people live their lives, and bringing those characteristics into my artwork. Nature, animated TV shows, art books, and fellow artists are also where I take a lot of inspiration from. I often take photos of things that inspire me, using them as references when I sit down to create .

Choice of Mediums

I explore various artistic mediums to bring my ideas to life. I predominantly use gouache when painting, though I recently ventured into oil paints and have been enjoying that very much. Graphite pencils are my go-to, they were my starting point and for good reason. Pencils are super portable and easy to find and drawing at school is probably my fondest past time from elementary and middle school. Big fan of pens as well. They’re a fast and clean way of capturing subjects. Oil pastels are fun and I’ve recently begun sculpting more seriously and I’m also really enjoying that.

Artistic Signature

One aspect that stands out in my work is the incorporation of movement. I believe that adding movement to art brings an extra layer of intrigue and captivation. I aim for viewers to follow the lines in my pieces and discover the complete picture within it.

Future Artistic Goals

In the future, I aspire to create animated shows that feature realistic characters navigating through the complexities of life. I'm passionate about exploring how individuals interact with one another and cope with the challenges of existence. Life can suck, and I want to tell stories that resonate with those who've experienced its ups and downs.

Thank you for joining me on my artistic journey. I look forward to sharing more of my creations with you in the future.

Other interests  

Besides art, I'm a big fan of frogs, science, voice acting, story telling, and nintendo. I also mess around with music and other stuffs.