To build long-lasting, trusting and professional relationships with every customer.

Broad River Plumbing is a leading plumbing service in Beaufort, SC and services from Beaufort down through Bluffton and Hilton Head Island, SC. Broad River Plumbing is a fully experienced plumbing company also servicing emergency calls 24/7. Any kind of plumbing service is available for both commercial or residential properties. Call Broad River Plumbing today at 843-271-6336.

Water leak repairs

Leaks can happen in the kitchen, bathroom, and even in your basement. Most of these leaks are often left unnoticed. Professionals have their way of finding it. When it comes to water leak repair, the best course of action is to allow professionals Water Leak Repairs in Beaufort Hilton Head and Bluffton SC to do the job for you.

The Areas Prone To Water Leaks

It is significant to determine the area causing water leaks before the fixing process begins. Here are the most common water leaking sources you should check.


You are just coming from work, and your floor is full of water. You look up at the ceiling and notice it’s wet as well. If there is a hole in your roof, your limit will attract water leaks. However, check the intensity and state of the water to ascertain its source. Freshwater may indicate issues with the plumbing on your ceiling. However, murky water could mean the leakage is from the roof. Water leaks happening only during rainy seasons show the problem could be a hole in your roof. Also, in winter, pipes may burst, causing water leaks. Therefore, be keen on weather changes to avoid confusing it with plumbing issues.


It is a place you frequently visit to wash up. For this reason, more water leak is found in this area. Loosely done faucets and showerheads can easily break and cause leaks while using them. But due to the bathrooms being wet almost all the time, you may not notice any holes. If you see areas that are usually dry suddenly getting wet, then there could be a leak somewhere. For example, you may realize your tub is wet hours after your last bath. A professional plumber will detect the areas of leaks and the best approach to repair them.


The kitchen is another area prone to water leaks. It is the area with numerous faucets and pipes, thereby making it vulnerable to water leaks. Signs like soaked cabinets could indicate water leakage from somewhere. When you notice such, check the nearest water system to the cabinet. Be careful when accessing the source of water leak in your kitchen due to the risks involved if electrical appliances get in contact with water. However, it is safer to seek the services of a professional plumber to check and repair the water leaks.


Are you wondering why the bedroom? Of course, you know it doesn’t have a bathtub or a faucet to cause leaks. But have you thought of liquid dripping from your AC? Well, it could be a small amount of water, but with time it can damage your floor. Ensure your air humidifier is in perfect condition since it can cause a fire when neglected. Even the smallest amount of water leaking from your AC needs repair.

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What Plumbers Can Do That Doctors Cannot

Below are three things plumbers do that doctors cannot:

Access to Clean Water

We, Americans, easily take for granted the fact that we can easily access water whenever we need it. We have clean water flowing out of our faucets for drinking, bathing, brushing, cooking, and so on. What we do not realize is that there are still over 750 million people around the world who struggle to find clean water.

Life would be extremely difficult if we didn’t have access to water. We would have issues on hygiene, daily tasks, and most importantly, our health. We have plumbers to thank for making clean, potable water available for us.

Disease Control

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has reported the death of more than 500,000 children younger than age five yearly because of diarrhea. This report shows that the leading causes of death are unsafe drinking water, inadequate water for hygiene, and the absence of water for proper sanitation. This water crisis causes illnesses such as diarrhea, Guinea worm disease, schistosomiasis, and trachoma.

Hong Kong has also suffered from an outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) some years ago due to poor plumbing design.

We cannot stress how valuable good plumbers are in getting clean and safe water to these communities. Their skills are needed to guarantee that water that flows out of the faucet is safe and uncontaminated.

Water Conservation

A good plumbing system done by an expert plumber can go a long way in conserving water. Not only can plumbers prevent leaks, but they are also able to introduce homeowners to innovations in plumbing fixtures that will help make the house more water efficient.

Although this may not directly save lives, it creates a positive impact on society.

Plumbing from Scratch

It uses basic laws of nature like gravity and pressure. A plumbing system is composed of two basic subsystems. One brings in the freshwater while the other throws out the wastewater.

Supply System: The water entering a home is under pressure. Hence it is easy to allow it to travel upstairs, at the corners or elsewhere as and when needed. This system includes a main water shutoff or a stop valve to be used during a plumbing emergency. The water from the main supply is ready to be used for various drinking and cleaning purposes.

Drainage System: A drainage system does not depend on pressure as all the drainage pipes are angled downward. Hence, gravity pulls off all the waste material. As simple as it may seem, the drainage system involves a lot of complex components like vents, traps and clean outs. These vents allow air to enter through the drainage pipes so as to regulate water flow. Otherwise which the water gets collected in the traps and will require being driven off frequently.

The supply and drainage systems are two different systems with no overlapping between them. There are bridges between the two systems which makes plumbing system successful. They are called fixtures. Toilets, sinks, and tubs are types of fixtures.

Sink drain stoppages

Drains, be it kitchen sinks, bathroom, or even outdoor drains, are responsible for filtering and disposing of water and the different kinds of debris that may be present as well down the pipe. Drains help to better people’s lives, assisting during cleaning sessions, and preventing the house or compound from flooding or having unnecessary pools of water. The functionality of installed drains sometimes gets hampered as a result of blocking caused by defined factors. Some of these blocking agents include hair, soap scum, or cooking grease, among others. Learn more about Sink Drain Stoppages Services In Hilton Head Bluffton and Beaufort SC today !

6 Steps For Sink Drain Stoppages

1. Use Other Ways Of Disposing Common Clogging Waste

There exist a lot of different styles of getting rid of drain clogging materials apart from just dumping them down the drain. You can start by saving cooking grease in cans and pouring it into the trash or throwing coffee grounds in the garbage, or adding them to your existing mulch pile. In the case of shower drains, you can add a drain gate or screen to catch hair or prevent soap scum from going down the drain. You can also be sure to brush the pipes regularly to avoid hair and other debris from accumulating and causing the vicious cycle like hair trapping soap, hence causing soap scum to collect, and clogging your drain.

2. Add Baking Soda Into The Drain

Baking soda, thanks to its versatility, makes for a reputable cleaning agent. Also, it absorbs nasty odors, keeping your sink smelling fresh and clean. You can sprinkle some baking soda periodically down the drain and run water with it to make it clean.

3. Rinsing Your Kitchen Drains Using Hot Water

Making use of hot water by pouring it down your drainages makes oils present in your food products run faster and much easier down the drain. After pouring food oil down the drain, let the hot water run for a few seconds to ease the drainage process and get rid of any possible sink drain stoppages, which could make your work more difficult.

4. Arm Your Kitchen Sinks With Strainers

You can save yourself from the hassle of needlessly giving your kitchen drain a thorough cleaning by merely installing a filter. Filters catch food particles and other debris, making sure that only things that can be handled by the drainage go down the drain, such as food oils and water. The filter itself will get dirty due to the objects it blocks from flowing down the drain. You can clean it by simply removing it from the drainage and ridding it of the items stuck onto it. When cleaning the filter, toss your food particles and chunks into the trash and not down the drain to avoid blockage.

5. Pour Some Vinegar Down The Drain

Vinegar is a natural cleaner. The acetic acid content, itself an organic solvent, removes the organic accumulation of food and other debris in the pipes, including oils. You can pour a cup of vinegar into the drainage and wait for about thirty minutes before rinsing. Preparing a half cup each of vinegar, baking soda, a few quarts of boiling water, and salt is a fix-all solution for drains in various parts of your house, from showers to sinks to tubs. To utilize this stepwise procedure, you can start by pouring some baking soda and salt directly into the drain. It is followed by adding vinegar and letting the mix foam for about a minute. The final step is chasing with two quarts of boiling water. It results in clean, clog-free drainage.

6. Use Store-Bought Cleaner Cautiously

Cleaners gotten from the store are about as useful as Do-It-Yourself concoctions. However, use such filters with moderation. Lye, an active component in most store cleaners, is compelling. Using too much of it can be harmful to your lungs and eyes. Follow the usage instructions to avoid any accidents or infections.

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Worth It Reasons For Sewer And Drain Cleaning

Reduces Clogging Possibility

Slow drains eventually turn into clogs, which then become a significant hassle. Clogged drainage means you cannot do the things you need to do, such as taking a bath, washing your hands, or even utensils. Plunging is always a temporary solution since clogs can be persistent. You can employ the use of over-the-counter drain cleaners, but due to their harsh chemical composition, they may not be precisely environment-friendly. Having your drains cleaned by experts rids it of unnecessary clogs and the need for a sewage backup.

Elimination Of Nasty Odors

There are different types of debris that goes down the drain, from soap scum to hair, to organic matter. Grime, dirt, and other debris push down your bathroom sink. Clogging causes these items to stick in the pipes. Due to their organic nature, they begin to degrade due to bacteria action, which results in foul smell emanating from the drains rendering the bathrooms unpleasant to use. Professional sewer and drain cleaning, repair, or replacement services eliminate these organic elements from your pipes, thus getting rid of the odor. You can then use the washrooms without having to hold your nose.

Protects Your Walls And Floors From Damage

Drainage clogging causes water overflows, which run onto walls floors. These surfaces are usually not designed to take water in such amounts, which may result in water damage. Water can find its way under the surface tiles, thereby eroding plaster on the floors and wallpaper from your walls. The resulting moisture promotes the growth of mold, which makes these surfaces lose their structural integrity. The significant pain is in replacing the affected wall and floor portions, which is rather costly. Professional drain cleaners eliminate the worry of a clog in your drainage system, thereby increasing the lifespan and aesthetic value of your floor and wall surfaces.

Improved Family Health

As has been discussed already, bacteria breakdown on clog items creates terrible odors. Without proper water flow to flush the clog out consistently, it will only keep growing. Mold and bacteria can cause some damages to the health of your family. It includes infections, illnesses, and other related problems caused by exposure to organisms. Some molds are potentially deadly and can cause severe breathing complications. Clog-free drains keep fungi and bacteria from growing. Therefore, you should ensure you clean up any water on the bathroom floors because it can lead to mold growth and damage.

Saves You Money

There is a cost that is attached to drain cleaning services, which is why most people don’t get removing services. However, what many people may not realize is that the cost of regular drains is a lot lower compared to plumbing costs resulting from water damage or bad pipes. Getting a plumber to your home to fix your drains is minimal, considering the issues and inconveniences that arise from clogged drains. Clogs eventually lead to leaks. To set a hole, you’ll probably have to dig the pipe up from the wall or the ground, which is very costly and inconvenient.

Enlisting professional sewer and drain cleaning, repair, or replacement services help you avoid the pains associated with clogged drains, the most significant one being the financial implications. The water quickly flows, meaning you will no longer have to worry about overflowing toilets and sinks, which are unpleasant to use.

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Call Your Beaufort, SC Plumber When These Warning Signs Occur

It is vital to know when you should stop tinkering with your pipes on your own and call a professional plumbing service in Beaufort, SC. Read on to find out what these warning signs are.

1. Gurgling

Hearing gurgling sounds when you use the toilet, run the laundry, or turn on the dishwasher may be your first sign of a clogged or compromised drain.

If your toilet is gurgling when it's not being used, your system is trying to find air, and you're likely in for a backup.

If you hear the noise when you're running the washing machine or dishwasher, or when taking a shower, immediately turn off the water so the system doesn't back up into the house.

2. Hearing Water In Your Pipes

Hearing the sound of water running through your pipes when nobody is using water at that time means that you might have a leak. Try checking your water meter to see if it's spinning when no water is in use.

You may just need an easy DIY job to fix this problem. However, if you're hearing hissing noises, your internal tank components are likely worn. This requires a total replacement, which might be your cheapest option.

3. Low Water Pressure

If you are experiencing low water pressure in your kitchen or bathroom sink, it may be a case of gunk buildup in the faucet's aerator.

This problem may be fixed by simply screwing off the aerator, removing the gunk, and placing the aerator back onto the faucet. But if that doesn't restore your pressure to normal, things could be more serious. You may have a fractured pipe, an eroded waterline, or a water leak in the system. If this is a case, you need to call a professional plumbing service.

4. Slow Drain

A slow drain is usually caused by a clogged drain. If you notice your kitchen and bathroom sinks, bathtub, or the toilet won’t drain properly, it may be time to call a pro.

Don’t attempt to use chemical drain cleaners because it may cause your pipe more harm than good.

5. Your House Smells Like Sewage

There are many possible reasons why your house smells like sewage, but one thing is certain, you must call a plumber immediately. You may have a backup or clog. It may also be caused by drain pipes that are not well-ventilated.

Why You May Need To Repair Your Water Heater

Discussed below are some of the reasons why you should repair or replace your water heater:

1. Lowers Your Energy And Water Bills

Malfunctioning water heaters do not run efficiently as compared to well-maintained, fully functional ones. Such heaters make it difficult to get hot water that you need from the taps, thereby suggesting that they need repair, cleaning, or another form of maintenance. It may have you letting the water run for a longer time before it can attain the desired temperature. It undoubtedly leads to wastage of water, which in turn increases your water bill. Besides, your utility bill also increases since the heater consumes more energy as it tries to attain the desired temperature. Getting an expert to clean or repair the water heater will enable you to save money on both water and energy. It is because a fully functional heater heats the water quickly, and you will not have to wait for the water to attain the desired temperature.

2. Consistently Provides You With Quality Hot Water Anytime

Malfunctioning water heaters are not capable of meeting your day to day demands in terms of time and service delivery. Getting your water heater repaired or replaced enables you to avoid inconsistent hot water, which usually does cleaning and bathing awkward and uncomfortable. Furthermore, the residue constituting dirty water heaters may build up to a point where they mix up with the hot water supplied to your tap. This result in water that is rusty has an unpleasant odor or is metallic-tasting. Repairing or replacing your water heater helps you to get rid of such problems.

3. Convenience And Peace Of Mind

Repairing your water heater by yourself can prove to be a cumbersome and time-consuming task. Furthermore, incorrect repairs pose a safety risk to you and your family. Getting a professional plumber ensures that the work is most efficient thanks to their experience in the field. During the repairs, you can spend your time on more productive tasks. The confidence in the fixes provided by the plumbers gives you the peace of mind that you need to conduct your duties properly.

4. Cost And Heater Age

Repairing costs and the age of the water is a common question. If your storage water tank heater is eight years or more, then it’s time to get it replaced. Most new tank heaters are energy-efficient, not like the older ones that risk leaking. Therefore, you need to compare the costs you will incur in replacing the parts, plumber costs, and how long the heater will last. Where the expenses overshadow the buying and installation of a new unit, a replacement will be an option. It is essential to check the cost analysis, shopping charges, as well as the number of years the heater will last depending on the money you spend. If your heater is still young, you don’t need to replace it. It is because younger radiators will incur fewer costs; therefore, repairing should be an option. Proper maintenance of the heater will also save it from now and the repairs.

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