Thanks a lot for the quick answers.

In the meanwhile i installed the rpm fusion repository and could install the broadcom-wl afterwards.

Anyways i can still not use my wifi.

Happy for any news for next steps

But I read that on Monterey 12.0.1 is working the card (94360), so I create a 12.0.1 installer, and after booting up the recovery, voila, the WiFi is working fine (my 943224HMS), but I also got working WiFi in Monterey 12.3.1 but only in the recovery, not in the 12.3.1 installed, here the system crash after reading the kext, and gets into a KP, and I stuck here.

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and that could give you the right connectivity then. Alternatively, I think the tumbleweed version of the Rockstor installer has that kernel firmware package included, at least it shows on my test install of the Tumbleweed version of Rockstor when executing:

zypper info firmware-kernel-atheros

And on the regular Leap versions: which we intend to see through to the last expected version of 15.6, our new installers should soon have more firmware included. We are just pretty busy with some required Appman Open Collective integration improvements and this last testing release currently. Along with the ongoing testing development. But all in things are looking good. So keep an eye on the downloads page and give us feedback on if newer installers (when they are build) work as per the Tumbleweed. I expect they will: so you will then have more options. But by all means test away with what you have.

This method is intended for engineering use only; for example, duringthe porting of ONIE to a new platform. In the boot loader, the usercan statically configure an installer URL that ONIE will use bysetting the install_url kernel command line argument.

DHCP provides a powerful and flexible mechanism for specifying theinstaller URL exactly. During the DHCP request, ONIE sets a number ofoptions to help the DHCP server determine an appropriate response.

To allow for flexibility in the administration of the DHCP server,ONIE can find an installer using partial DHCP information. ONIE usesa default sequence of URL paths and default installer file names inconjunction with partial DHCP information to find an installer.

vcgencmd is compatible with both Python2.7+ and Python3.x. The raspberry pi Ihave has python 3.2 installed. These instructions will be for that. You cansubstitute the python and pip commands accordingly for other versions.The installer requires the setuptools package.

This is confirmed as working 100% on my Macbook Pro (Mid 2014 model). The model you have of Macbook (or Mac Mini or macbook air etc) will determine exactly what broadcom chipset you have. You can find out what exact chipset you have by using the lspci command at the terminal window. You will get a list of all pci devices connected to your system. Look in the list to find your broadcom device. On my mid 2014 model Macbook Pro the device is BCM4360

You will now have a directory with bluetooth firmware files in it (within "broadcom-bt-firmware/brcm" of the unzipped file). Go through the files and find the file that matches the output you got above. Be careful because the files have very similar names. e24fc04721

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