

Lacko, D., Čeněk, Č., Arikan, A., Dresler, T., Galang, A. J., Stachoň, Z., Šašinková, A., Tsai, J.-L., Prošek, T., Ugwitz, P., & Šašinka, Č. (2024). Modelování reakčních časů v mezikulturním výzkumu: Příklad analytického-holistického kognitivního stylu. Kognitivní škola. Malá Skála, Czech Republic.

Prošek, T., Lacko, D., Tancoš, M. (2024). Modelování odpovědí a reakčních časů z osobnostních a postojových dotazníků prostřednictvím metod kognitivní psychologie. Kognitivní škola. Malá Skála, Czech Republic.


Haines, S., Graf, S., Nater, C., Sczesny, S. (2023). Men in childcare work: Gender stereotypes as barriers to men’s engagement and potential solutions. 19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology. Krakow, Poland. 

Koky, R., & , Graf, S. (2023). Social norms in an intergroup context: the mediating role of the social norms in the contact-prejudice link. The majority and minority view. In Social Cognition Network (ESCON) Transfer of Knowledge Conference, Nijmegen. 

Koky, R., & , Graf, S. (2023). The role of social norms in the link between intergroup contact and attitudes of the Roma toward majority society. In 19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology. 2023. 

Lacko, D., Oľhová, S., Hřebíčková, M., Sczesny, S., Žingora, T., & Graf. S. (2023). Predictors of intergroup contact: The role of ideology, empathy, and personality. 19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology. Krakow, Poland.

Lacko, D., Horák, F., Klicperová-Baker, M., Šerek, J., & Boehnke, K. (2023). Perceived Legitimacy of Anti-Pandemic Measures: Findings from West and East Germany, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia at the Peak of the COVID-19 Crisis. SYRI Annual Conference to Focus on Systemic Risks. Prague, Czech Republic.

Oľhová, S., Lášticová, B., & Kanovský, M. (2023). Harry Potter and mystery of discussion: Testing indirect contact interventions in a school context. 19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology. Krakow, Poland.

Voca, S., Rupar, M., & Graf, S. (2023). The link between social norms and reconciliation and behavioural intentions in post-conflict societies. 19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology. Krakow, Poland. 


Rupar M., Bobowik M., Sekerdej, M., Soler-Pastor, E., Kołeczek, M., Jamróz-Dolińska, K., Ghorbani, F., & Mari, S.& (2022). Is Happy Citizen a Good Citizen? Emotional Responses Toward Governmental Actions Predict Self-Reported Preventive Behavior in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic. Conference of the International Society for Research on Emotion (ISRE2022). July, 2022. Los Angeles, USA

Voca, Sh., Graf, S., & Rupar, M. Comparative Victimhood Beliefs are Linked to Willingness to Engage in Intergroup Contact With a Former Adversary Through Empathy and Trust. 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP); July 2022. Athens, Greece


Rupar, M., Graf, S., & Zingora, T. (2021). Intergroup Contact is linked to Behaviours, Especially in Those Not Endorsing Multiculturalism. Virtual 2021 IACCP conference, Czech Republic

Lacko, D., Žingora, T., Birtel, M., Graf, S., Hřebíčková, M., Rupar, M., Točík, J., & Voca, S. (2021). Development of Prejudice, Fear and Behaviour that Limits Spread of COVID-19 in 6 European Countries. International Congress of Psychology (ICP) 2020+.

Lacko, D., Točík, J., Žingora, T., Hřebíčková, M., & Graf, S. (2021). Intergroup Contact Is Linked To Discrimination Against Minorities Through Threat And Attitudes. 25th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP 2020+).


Rupar, M., Voca, Sh., & Graf, S. (2020). Moral Elevation as a Link Between Intergroup Help and Reconciliation: Evidence from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo. IV Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Científica Española de Psicología Social, online, Spain.

Lacko, D., Žingora, T., Graf, S., Birtel, M., Hřebíčková, M., Rupar, M., Točík, J., & Voca, S. (2020). Mezinárodní longitudinální výzkum dopadu pandemie covid-19 na vnímání menšin. Psychologické dny 2020.


Rupar, M., Voca, Sh., & Graf, S. (2019). Primary and Secondary Transfer Effects of Direct and Mass-Mediated Contact on Forgiveness after Dyadic and Multiethnic Conflicts via Intergroup Trust. SPSSI-SASP Group Meeting, Advances in Intergroup Contact Research: Showcasing, Consolidating, Deconstructing and Innovating the Science of Social Integration, Newcastle, NSW Australia

Rupar, M., & Graf, S. (2019). Mass-mediated intergroup contact in post-conflict societies: Stories about intergroup help enhance reconciliation through morality. SASP2019, Sidney, Australia

Graf, S., & Sczesny, S. (2019). Personal experiences with asylum seekers can disrupt the normative influence of mass-media on solidarity with asylum seekers. Conference of the Swiss Psychological Society, Bern, Switzerland.

Graf, S., & Sczesny, S. (2019). Direct but not mass-mediated intergroup contact with migrants is linked to behaviour supporting migrants through attitudes: The role of political orientation. 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Lisbon, Portugal.

Graf, S., Arlt, D., Eugster, B. & Sczesny, S. (2019). Intergroup communication about migration shapes attitudes toward migrants and immigration policies: The role of emotions and cognitions. The EASP Meeting on Intergroup Communication, Bologna, Italy.

Graf, S., & Sczesny, S. (2019). What shapes our attitudes and behaviours toward migrants? The role of past intergroup contact and media exposure. Berner Gespräche zur Migration, Bern, Switzerland.

Rupar, M., Graf, S., & Voca, Sh. (2019). The Primary and Secondary Transfer Effects of Direct and Mass-Mediated Contact on Reconciliation after Dyadic and Multiethnic Conflicts. The Mediating Role of Intergroup Trust. SASP-SPSSI Group Meeting on Intergroup Contact, Newcastle, Australia.

Rupar, M., & Graf, S. (2019). Mass-Mediated Intergroup Contact in Post-Conflict Societies: Stories About Intergroup Help Enhance Reconciliation Through Morality. 48th Annual Conference of the Society of Australasian Social Psychologists, Sidney, Australia.

Voca, Sh., Rupar, M., & Graf, S. (2019). Information about former adversary from the mass media is linked to reconciliation: The role of empathy and anger. Interdisciplinary conference on war trauma, collective memory and transitional justice, Prishtina, Kosovo.


Zingora T., Vezzali L., & Graf S. (2018). Stereotypes in the face of reality: Intergroup contact inconsistent with group stereotypes predicts change in prejudice better than stereotype-consistent contact. EASP Meeting, Bratislava, Slovakia, Program Book, p. 34.

Voca, Sh., Rupar, M., & Graf, S. (2018). Intergroup norms and reconciliation in Kosovo. EASP Group Meeting on Boundaries, Norms, and Conflicts: Understanding Intergroup Relations and Rising Intolerance Across Europe and Beyond, Bratislava, Slovakia, Program Book, p. 6.

Voca, Sh., & Graf, S. (2018). The effects of mass-mediated contact and collective victimhood on willingness to engage in direct contact with the former adversary in Kosovo. ESCON Transfer of Knowledge Conference, Cologne, Germany, Program Book, p. 125.

Voca, Sh., & Graf, S. (2018). The effects of indirect intergroup contact on willingness to engage in direct intergroup contact. International Interdisciplinary Conference, Tirana, Albania, Program Book, p. 109.


Graf, S., & Sczesny, S. (2017). Valence of media news about immigrants and immigrants’ labels shape majority’s prejudice against immigrants. 18th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Granada, Spain, Book of Abstracts, p. 168.

Rupar, M., & Graf, S. (2017). Beyond the story narrative: Intergroup help, morality, and multi-ethnic reconciliation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 30th German Peace Psychology Conference, Chemnitz, Germany, Program Book, p. 19.

Rupar, M., & Graf, S. (2017). The role of mass media in process of reconciliation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Populizam, izbeglička kriza, religija, mediji, Novi Sad, Serbia, Program Book, p.5.


Zingora, T., & Graf, S. (2016). Intergroup contact shapes perception of minorities and predicts voting in referendum aimed at restriction of homosexual rights. Transfer of Knowledge Conference 2016, Lisbon, Portugal, Book of Abstracts, p. 84.

Rupar, M., & Graf, S. (2016). Intergroup contact in the course of conflict: The effects of direct and extended contact through family on reconciliation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. ESCON Transfer of Knowledge Conference 2016; Lisbon, Portugal, Book of Abstracts, p. 60.

Rupar, M., & Graf, S. (2016). The effect of direct and mass-mediated contact on intergroup reconciliation in Bosnia and Herzegovina: The role of intergroup threat. The Biennial Conference of the International Society for Justice Research, 2016, Canterbury, UK, Book of Abstracts, p. 15.


Graf, S., & Zingora, T. (2015). Benefits of ethnic diversity: Intergroup contact with Vietnamese can reduce prejudice against Roma. In symposium "Ethnic and cultural diversity". 14th European Congress of Psychology, Milan, Italy, Program Book, p. 14.

Zingora, T., & Graf, S. (2015). Challenging prejudice with ethnic diversity: The role of perceived threats in secondary transfer effect of intergroup contact. The 9th Biennial Congress of the International Academy for Intercultural Research, Bergen, Norway, Program Book, p. 24.


Graf, S., Paolini, S., & Rubin, M. (2014). Ecological evidence that positive intergroup contact is more common, but negative contact is more influential. 17th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Book of Abstracts, p. 170.

Hřebíčková, M., Graf, S., Realo, & Mõttus, R. (2014). True or false: What influences the accuracy of national stereotypes? In invited symposium "Cross-cultural aspects of personality".17the European Conference on Personality, Lausanne, Switzerland, Book of Abstracts, p. 114–115.

Chvojková, P. (2014). Působení ZSV na morální rozvoj žáků. In III. ročník Mezinárodní vědecké konference studentů doktorských studijních programů v oblasti společenských věd. Olomouc, ČR.

Žingora, T. & Graf, S. (2014). Roma and Vietnamese from the perspective of majority: The role of threat in the relationship of intergroup contact and attitudes. SPO 2014, Stará Lesná, Book of Abstracts, p. 38-39.


Graf, S. & Hřebíčková, M. (2013). Big 5 in social psychology: Fruitful cross-pollination or a deadlock? In invited symposium "The Five-factor model of personality in psychological and anthropological research". SPO 2013, Třešť, Book of Abstracts, p. 19.

Graf, S., Paolini, S., & Rubin, M. (2013). Prevalence of positive and prominence of negative contact maintain outgroup attitudes stable. Talk within symposium "Valence asymmetries in intergroup relations: Bringing the pendulum of intergroup contact research back to the centre". SASP Annual Conference, Cairns, Australia, Book of Abstracts, pp. 13, 62.

Adamcová, D., Dlhošová, T., Kyrinovič, R., Šmíra, M., Žingora, T. & Millová, K. (2013). Self-regulation in the context of emerging adulthood. Poster presented at 2. mezinárodní konference pozitivní psychologie v ČR, Brno Book of Abstracts, pp. 13, 74-75.


 Graf, S., Bilewicz, M., Finell, E., & Geschke, D. (2012). Nouns cut slices: Effects of linguistic forms on intergroup bias. ESCON2 Transfer of Knowledge Conference; Estoril, Portugal, Book of Abstracts, pp. 13-14.

Petrjánošová, M., & Graf, S. (2012): S Rakušanem jsem se nikdy nesetkala, ale byla jsem na výměném pobytu v Německu“ – vnímané podobnosti medzi Rakúšanmi a Nemcami u českých respondentov. ["I have never met an Austrian but taken part in a student exchange in Germany": Perceived similarities between Austrians and Germans in Czech respondents.] Sociální procesy a osobnost [Social processes and personality]; Nový Smokovec, Slovakia; Book of Abstracts, p. 34.

Kouřilová, S., & Petrjanosova M. (2012). How Czech and Austrians communicate: Use of language in intergroup contact. 11th Annual Conference Qualitative Approach and Methods in Social Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia; Book of Abstracts, pp. 24-25.


Kouřilová, S., & Hřebíčková, M. (2011). Intergroup contact in border regions of five Central European countries. 16th EASP General Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden.


Bilewicz, M., Kouřilová, S., Finell, E., & Geschke, D. (2010). Mind your language: The effect of linguistic abstractness on ingroup bias and black sheep effect. 3rd Biennial Symposium on Personality and Social Psychology, Warsaw, Poland; Book of Abstracts, p. 21.

Hřebíčková, M. & Kouřilová, S. (2010). National auto- and heterosterotypes in relation to personality traits in five Central European countries. Invited symposium „Personality and Culture“, 15th European Conference on Personality, Brno, Czech Republic; Book of Abstracts, p. 43.

Hřebíčková, M. & Kouřilová, S. (2010). National stereotypes from an ingroup and outgroup perspective. 6th European Spring Conference on Social psychology, St. Moritz, Switzerland.