Rou magazine. Highly collectable 1980s British magazine. Issues 1-24 by first editorial team generally thought to be the best. Style changes thereafter. Particular favourites among many readers are the early "Spankers Galleries" - featuring nice line drawings and the "St Angela's" stories.

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In 1996 I began my Greece Travel Guide. A friend told me I also needed to have a blog(the word did not exist in 1996), which would be sort of an ongoing journal of my experiences and thoughts about Greece. So in 2006 I began this blog page. Over the years it has grown and has become what is probably severalbooks worth of insights and experiencesabout Greece, and various other related topics. There is plenty of practical information in here and a lot of stuff you would never find in a travel guide too. Well, maybe you would find them in my Greece guides but nota normal guide. This page is for the people who enjoy a good story, or a laugh, or some political insight about Greece and are not just looking for the cheapest hotel in Santorini or how many ferries a week go there. I may be prejudiced but I think it is some of the best travel writing you will find. If you are looking for ferry and hotel information you can leave this page and go to my Greece Travel Guides or my Athens SurvivalGuide and you will probably find what you are looking for. But if you want to have some fun and be entertained and maybe laugh a little bit or read something that may make you think or learn something new, just choose an article that looks interesting and begin there.

I have included Facebook like and share buttons here and at the bottom of the page. If you really like a story please let your friends know and if you love it let me know. My e-mail address is on every page. And of course the smiley faces are for the stories I like best.

Talkin' Greek Baseball: 2 weeks to go before we move to Greece for a year and my thoughts today are on baseball. I am a long time Mets fan, ever since my father and grandfather converted me from the Yankees whenthey took me to a spanking-new Shea Stadium somewhere around 1963 during the NY World's Fair. My favorite player was Ed Kranepool who wore the same number 7 as my previousNY Yankees favorite player Mickey Mantle. I went to a few games. I remember these tough Queens kids standing outside the stadium, wherethey had a view of the bullpen, razzing relief pitcher Larry Bearnarth, who was my cousin's neighbor in Huntington, LI, and being sort of shocked that anyone with the opportunity to be close to a baseball player would use that opportunity to insult him. To me they were gods. Even Larry Bearnarth.

A New Greece? Sign Me Up:The best thing about the financial crisis in Europe and the political crisis in Greece is that there are so many knowledgeable writers out there who know what is going on that I don't even have to pretend I am an expert. I can just refer people to articles that tell the story. Like today for example.

A Tribute to George the Famous Taxi Driver: Since the day we met and George told that he was going to be the best taxi driver in Athens, he has done exactly that. He bought the best Mercedes available, brushed up on his history and archaeology and has become a living legend. His success has created an army of imitators, some claiming they were the first and they arethe best. But I was there at the beginning and the truth is that George was the first and is probably still the best at offering first rate service to travelers, the kind not usually associated with taxi drivers.

From PC to Mac and Greece Videos: People have been e-mailing me asking me of anything is wrong because it has been so long since I have written anything in this blog. They assume I am still getting over the death of my friend Dorian in November and the death of my friend Ed Leight exactly a month later, and while those were both major events and life changing experiencesfor those of us who were friends and family, I have had another life shattering event that I am embarrassed to say has derailed meeven more than the death of my best friends. I bought a Mac.

Paris Trip: Anyone who has a teenager knows that family holidays can be stress filled catastrophes even with the best of planning. Amarandi had a 5 day thanksgiving holiday and though I wanted to go to Crete, we assumedcorrectly that she would have no interest in going anywhere in Greece with us. But when I suggested Paris she showed some interest, enough to send me tothe computer looking for flights and affordable hotels.

Sifnos: We were sitting at Margarita's eating a grilled octopus and drinking ouzo when Dorian arrived off the Speedrunner on his motorcycle and joined our table like a black cloud. "That was the worst boat trip I have ever taken. It was so boring. What am I doing here? I am losing money. I am spending money. For what?" I answered, "To see some of your oldestand best friends, some of whom you have not seen in more than thirty years". That seemed to calm him for awhile but every time there was a lull in the conversation he started in again questioning the sanity of his beingon Sifnos, in his insane way. We walked across the bay to Argiris Taverna. "I hate this restaurant!" exclaimed Dorian. "Its the worst taverna in Sifnos. I need gas. I have to find a gas station. I don't understand where my hotel is". (Andrea had taken him there three minutes earlier). And just like that Dorian was gone, off on his motorcycle and we were left in awe of the peaceful void his disappearance had created.

Karpenissi, Trikala, Meteora: I asked Billy where we should have dinner. "Go to Pellenion, in the third square. Its the only good place. If you eat anywhere else you will get sick."This seemed extreme to me. For every restaurant in the town to make you sick except one would have to be some kind of conspiracy. Its not possible, even in Greece. We drove to the restaurant and Andrea vetoed it right away. Big signs in English advertising mousaka and pastistio and fried squid, and tables in the hot square where it was still about 90 degrees with a handful of tourists drinking draft beer was not what either of us had in mind. Maybe it was the best in Kalambaka but if so we would not eatin Kalambaka.

All My Friends from Greece Video: My friend Stella said it best. "All My Friends from Greece captures Greece perfectly." But why? I didn't give Andy $10,000 to go to Greece andcapture the 'real Greece' for my video. He took the song and whatever footage he had leftover from his last trip there and put it together and the general consensus is that it sells Greece better than anything anyone has seen. And what is the difference between this video which cost nothing to make and a million dollar high production travel video? People. Real People. Not actors pretending to have fun but people actually having fun.

Platia Dellapizza: Del works for the demos of Kea (town hall) as their odd-job guy though mostly he defines himself as a skoupitzis (trashcollector).But if you walk around the village you will find many places that Del has created. He has uncovered ancient fountains and springs around the village and made little parks and sitting areas and small gardens and keeps the village streets whitewashedand the plants watered. I talked to the mayor and told him we need to make a statue of Dellapizza and put it in the platia. The world's greatest skoupitzis "Thebest thing about Del is you just send him out and let him do whatever he wants." the mayor told me. Dellapizza is one of the reasons Kea is so special. be457b7860

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