
Conference presentations

The conference will be held on Zoom and may be accessed using the link included in an email sent to all participants. If you did not receive the email, please contact us at

The schedule will follow Irish Summer Time (UTC+1) and will run from 14:00 to 17:00 each day, Monday 12th to Friday 16th April 2021. A schedule for each day may be found at the links below.

Due to the large number of speakers, the talks have been organised into two parallel sessions. These will run as breakout rooms accessible from within the main Zoom meeting (there will also be a third Staging Area room for speakers to test their presentation before their talk). All participants will be free to move between the breakout rooms throughout the day, so it should be easy to hop between parallel sessions. For further details on how to use breakout rooms, please consult the Zoom support page. In particular, it is critical that you make sure to update your Zoom client to at least version 5.3.0, as older versions do not support the breakout room features we will be using.


Slides from all talks will be available following the talk in a shared Google Drive folder.

Interacting with participants and speakers

A Slack workspace has been set up for conference participants to introduce and interact with each other, and to further discuss talks with speakers. You can join the slack channel using the link included in the email sent out to all participants. Please join the workspace, introduce yourself (in the #introductions channel), take the opportunity to meet with other participants (in the #coffeebreak channel), and ask more detailed questions to speakers (in the #talk-questions channel).

Best student talk prize

The IOP Publishing Group has agreed to sponsor a prize for the best student talk at the conference. A panel of reviewers will review all of the talks throughout the conference and the prize winner will be announced at the close of the conference on Friday.