Designed and built in North Bristol by Father Earl Durst and first opened in 1958 as a swimming pool only and then in 1959 the golf course began play originally named "Bristol Springs Country Club". Earl had his son Dick Durst run the operation of the course. Dick had an airplane that he would take off and land on the Number 2 fairway.

In 1966 the golf members purchased the golf course from the Durst family.

Bristol Springs Country Club was auctioned/sold in 1985 to two avid golfers from the Cleveland area Robert Miller and Robert Obrzut and changed the name to Bristolwood Golf Course.

Robert and Robert sold the golf course to a guy by the name of Wood from Texas between 1985 and 1993.

In 1993 Craig Lydic, Stan Marshaus, and Bernie Haas purchased the golf course from Wood and changed the name to Bristolwood Country Club.

Kyle Quinn purchased the course in July of 2017 and began revitalizing the business leaving it to this day as Bristolwood Golf Course. The golf course is family run by Kyle and Richale Quinn - along with some help from their three young girls Annslee Belle, Maeve Josephine, and Hadley Scout. LeRoy Moyer Sr has served as superintendent for the last 10 years. Bristolwood strives to maintain their reputation for good food, a great time, and reliable service.