capstone project

personal biography

I started to show interest in art when I was in elementary school. when we had free time I always liked to draw and paint when I had the chance. It would bring me peace and continued doing art till this day. Since being in high school, I have taken one year of art foundations, three years of ceramics, and one year of digital art and animation. currently, I like to make functional pottery. I like to create things that I can usually make a use of. I also like creating art that expresses how I feel at that moment when I cant find the right words to express them.  My art classes have taught me to overcome challenges and to trust the process, that everything will fall into place with its time. This will help me in the future because I know I will have to overcome a lot of challenges in life because life isn't all sunshine and rainbows there will be difficulties and I will overcome them with these skills.

the process

to first start off my project i sketched out what I had then i picked out the colors that I wanted and drew the designs that I wanted on the belly and the detaisl that are on it. THen i wedged my clay to prep it for the project then i created a slab base. My project was made from coils. I roll the clay to make coils and slip and score them all together to make the belly. While doing this I had to smooth them out. Then I left it to dry and get fired. After that I sanded the project down and ran it under water to prep it for glaze. Then I glazed it with a brush by applying three layers. After it was fired I attached small details with the flowers, doves, and babies. Then I added the lights.  

connecting the capstone 

My artwork is about the right to make choices for your own body. I chose this topic because it is not something that is talked about enough after roe v wade was overturned, and I wanted to bring light to it. When working on this project I made a pregnant belly first so people would understand what it is about. The design on the belly was created to put emphasis on the belly and show how beautiful a women's body can be. The sunflowers represent new seeds and new life, and the white flowers represent death because they are used at funerals. When looking closer you can see there are babies inside the sunflowers and doves around the leaves. Overall, when people look at my project, I want them to understand how important it is for women to have rights to their own autonomy.   

future changes

If I had to change something on the project I would change some of the details like the design on the belly. I would want to make something smaller in the future.