Research Funding

  • 2021-2024. £63,811 (£319,389 FEC) awarded by the Leicester Judgment and Decision Making Endowment to Pulford, B.D., Colman, A.M., Frosch, C.A. & Krockow, E.M. to study ‘Communication, deception, and iterated decisions under bounded rationality’.

  • 2019-2021. £39,064 (£214,045 FEC) awarded by the Leicester Judgment and Decision Making Endowment to B. D. Pulford, A. M. Colman & C. A. Frosch to study 'Confidence and Reasoning in Decisions and Games'.

  • 2019-2024 £44,795 awarded by the Leicester Judgment and Decision Making Endowment to B. D. Pulford, A. M. Colman & C. A. Frosch, for the ‘LJDME Intern Programme’.

  • 2016-2018. £26,039 (£134,293 FEC) awarded by the Leicester Judgment and Decision Making Endowment to B. D. Pulford, A. M. Colman & C. A. Frosch to study ‘Comparisons, Confidence, and Causality in Decision Making’. End of project report 2018.

  • 2011-16: £100,000 (£247,822 FEC) awarded by the Leicester Judgment and Decision Making Endowment to Pulford, B. D. & Colman A.M. for research on ‘Coordination, Judgment, and Decision Making’. End of project report 2016.

  • 2010-12: Arts and Humanities Research Council: £125,151 (£151,217 FEC) awarded to Gold, N., Colman, A. M., & Pulford, B. D. for a study of "Framing Effects in Ethical Dilemmas". End of project Symposium details.

  • 2010: Experimental Psychology Society Small Grants Scheme. £2,000 awarded to B. D. Pulford to study 'The Influence of Perceived Luck on Decision Making'.

  • 2009: Nuffield Foundation Social Sciences Small Grants Scheme: £7,272 awarded to Colman, A. M., & Pulford, B. D. for a study of "Evolution of Cooperation through Similarity Recognition".

  • 2007-08: British Academy grant for £6,587 for ‘An examination of the domain-specificity and predictive validity of confidence measures’ with Dr Ray Randall.

  • 2003-05: £121,563 awarded by the Economic and Social Research Council for research into "Confidence in Interactive Decisions" with Andrew M. Colman and Fergus Bolger (Grant No. RES-000-23-0154). End of grant Symposium information.

  • 2002-05: The communication and influence of confidence and uncertainty. University of Wolverhampton research support unit. £21,000 to fund a PhD studentship for Caroline Wesson.

  • 2001: £4,915 awarded by the University of Wolverhampton Sabbatical Fund to investigate confidence, decision making and the Ellsberg Paradox (ambiguity aversion).

  • 1992-95: Economic and Social Research Council Studentship for research into overconfidence.