Our team is brought together by the power of keeping faith and staying prayed up.  We all believe in mentoring the at-risk youth and giving back to the community.


Randy Ransom is the president of United Scholastic Children Sports INC (USCS).  Randy's grandfather late Lonnie Ransom was a well respected youth coach and mentor of a football organization called the Pleasant Grove Trojans at the Salvation Army in Pleasant Grove in the 70's, 80's and 90's.  Randy always looked up to his grandfather and wanted to follow in his footsteps so when the opportunity presented itself in 2013 Randy started up the Pleasant Grove Trojans which falls under Randy's nonprofit organization USCS in memory of is grandfather.

Meet the team

Our team culture consist of attitudes of encourage respect, support, empathy and trust. 

President-Randy Ransom

Melody Ransom 



Parent & kids who participated



President Randy and Participants


Join the team

We are looking for volunteers who want to help make a difference with at-risk youth and give back to the community.

Email: unitedsports4kids@gmail.com