Migrant Youth Leadership Conference Themes

Every conference brings together 150 - 300 middle and high school aged migrant youth to spend a day with 70 WWU student leaders, many WWU students being from backgrounds similar to the youth. The conference features a keynote speaker, performers, community building activities, campus tours and culturally sustaining college access workshops all framed by a conference theme. We work with 7 regional districts as partners and collaborate with faculty members across WWU's campus. Since 2010, we have hosted 2 conferences each year and now in its 12th year, many of our Western mentors once attended the conference as students. Every conference is framed by a theme that is collectively generated, narrated and illustrated by our Western student leaders.

Past Conference Themes

We are the DREAM in Action

The Power de Nuestra Voz

Education is Our Future, Our Fight, Our Revolution

Precious Knowledge: Seeds of Change

Building the Path Together

Make Your DREAM a Reality

Dream It, Plan It, Live It

We have seen the future and the future is ours

From Doubt to Hope: Educación es la esperanza

Seeds of Our Community: Una Nueva Tierra Para Florecer

Rising from our Roots: They tried to bury us but forgot that we were seeds!

The Butterfly has become the BRIDGES Program Logo. Designed by the student leaders in 2017, its meaning resonates with our belief that honoring traditions, wisdom of elders and rich life experiences is vital to educational and life success.

Monarcas del Campo: Grow your wings so together we can fly.

Conference Theme

Each conference is guided by a theme that is the overarching message that we want our students to hear. It is developed by the conference planners together as they begin to think about their own experience and the words of wisdom they wish some one had shared with them. Themes always affirm students language, culture, families, communities, and life experiences as valuable, not only in education but in life. This creative process generates both a collective text, the theme meaning and original artwork. The theme meaning highlighted her is the collective text of our logo, the Galactic butterfly.