Ace Training

"If you want to take your game to the next level while having teammates and parents asking, 'WHAT THE HECK WERE THEY DOING IN THE OFF-SEASON!?' give us a call!"

Ace Training with Ryan Murphy

Ryan will lead you on your path to peak performance!

Ryan grew up in Durham, CT and attended Xavier High School in Middletown, CT. While there, he played football, basketball, and ran track. Ryan led his team to back-to-back class LL football state titles in 2010 and 2011. In his senior year, he was named All-State to both sides of the ball, Strong Safety on defense and Tight End on offense.

After high school, Ryan was offered a scholarship to play football at Southern CT State University. After three seasons with the Owls, Ryan completed his football career and then majored in finance at Endicott College. Graduating Summa Cum Laude he joined the finance and business world but has stayed very close to his first love and passion, athletics!

Ryan actively participates in basketball, softball, & flag football leagues and coaches youth sports, umpires little league, and trains young athletes.

A friend to many, he still keeps in touch and trains with former teammates who are currently playing in the NFL like Timmy Boyle of the Green Bay Packers & Jerome Cunningham of the Detroit Lions.

Schedule your Ace Training Session with Ryan Today!

Complete our Contact form and he will call you!


Give us a call and we will connect you to him!

(203) 823-7471