
Post-Doc Research in Economics, University of Fribourg (Switzerland), Department of Economics, Supervisors: Prof. Thierry Madiès & Prof. Christelle Dumas. Since September 2019.

PhD in Economics:

Paris Dauphine University (France), Essays on human resources for health and the use of maternal health services in sub-Saharan Africa, Supervisor: Prof. Philippe De Vreyer, December 2017.

University of Dschang (Cameroon), Wages and labour supply of health professionals in urban areas of Cameroon, received with the Highest Honors and Congratulations. Supervisor: Prof. Tsafack Nanfosso Roger A., July 2016.

Msc (DEA/Master) in Economics (NPTCI) - University of Yaoundé 2, Health status and Labour supply behavior in Cameroon, Supervisor: Prof. Tsafack Nanfosso Roger A., 2010.

MA in Economics, Option: Economic analysis and Policy, University of Yaoundé 2, 2008.

Baccalauréat, Série C, Lycée Mixte d’Essé, 2004