About Me

I am a Graphic Designer from Warrenton, Va and I believe that everything starts with a good or bad experience that influences you, for me, it was both. I had 2 teachers related to art that had very different opinions, one believed that art cannot be given a 100% grade because “art cannot be perfect” and the other believed if you meet expectations you should be rewarded for it. These both affected my artistry, one I am fighting to prove wrong and the other I am working to exceed expectations. This is one of the deepest influences on my designs. I like to use my work to tell a story and have visual impact on the people who view it. My style is usually loose and calming and uses color palettes that draw people into it. I am by no means a rigid designer and love to make things that I think people would just enjoy looking at. 

 Website: www.bstepp2.myportfolio.com

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/brianna-stepp