Fall 2022: Math 232B Graduate Geometry 

This course will focus on the basics of  Lie groups, Riemannian geometry and, time permitting, hyperbolic geometry 

Note: 232 A is not a prerequisite for this class. 232B will have some overlap with  what I taught 232A but not much and from a slightly different perspective.

Monday, Wednesday in 268 Skye Hall  at 2-3:20 (September 26 -- November 30)

Office hours: By appointment in person or on Zoom, or just stop by my office (232 Skye Hall) and we can chat if I'm free..

Prerequisites:  205 B&C (or a good knowledge of the basics of manifolds and the fundamental group),  a strong foundation in linear algebra will also be extremely helpful.

Main text: There is not a main text for this class, but some useful texts are listed below.