Planning for PE


Maximize the instructional time of certified Physical Education Teachers  who teach physical education. Schools have the flexibility to determine who will teach and how the additional time will be scheduled.

Below is a list of suggested guidelines keeping safety first for physical education and recess: 

Teachers should have a lesson plan for physical education that includes standards, instructional strategies, safety considerations, and effective classroom management techniques for both indoors and outdoors.

Students must be encouraged to wear proper attire for movement including athletic sneakers.

Students should bring refillable water bottles or have access to clean water fountains.

Apply sunscreen at home prior to school to prevent sunburn .

Teachers should check play areas for safety.

Establish protocols for safe movement.

Be aware of weather conditions 

Establish protocols for inclement weather

Utilize developmentally appropriate equipment.

Activities should focus on moderate to vigorous movement.

Punishment involving the use of physical activity (e.g. running laps, push ups) or withholding opportunities for physical activity (e.g. free play recess, Physical Education),  is not permitted. (Ref: Brevard County Wellness Policy and Procedure).