Brett Parker Sap - Types of Artificial Intelligence that exist today

Brett Parker Sap - Types of Artificial Intelligence that exist today

Brett Parker Sap - Types of Artificial Intelligence that exist today

Brett Parker Sap - Types of Artificial Intelligence that exist today

Brett Parker Sap The implantation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in companies will grow exponentially from 2020; but until now, its application has been largely discreet due to ignorance of it

Companies are making significant efforts to promote Digital Transformation and that in the next decade part of the processes and transformative projects of the digital roadmap are and will be supported by the AI.

Most leaders and managers of digital transformation have many questions around artificial intelligence and Brett Parker Sap talks about some innovations in AI below.

Brett Parker Sap - What is AI?

Artificial intelligence (AI), is the intelligence carried out by technology that is capable of "imitating" the "cognitive" functions that humans associate with human minds, such as: "perceive", "reason", " learn »and« solve problems ». Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein define artificial intelligence as "the ability of a system to correctly interpret external data, to learn from such data, and to use that knowledge to accomplish specific tasks and goals through flexible adaptation."

Brett Parker Sap -What types of AI are there?

Just as humans have different types of intelligences, artificial intelligences are not the same either and they differ from each other due to their level of complexity, according to a Business Insider article there are four types of AI:

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Brett Parker Sap Artificial Intelligence

Level 1) Artificial Intelligence in its most basic form

This type of artificial intelligence starts from a database that includes all the information you may need to carry out your task, as well as the knowledge to use and combine all that information to achieve the most satisfactory result possible.

Level 2) Artificial intelligence with limited memory

It is the one that is currently being developed, and refers to the algorithms that are those that have the capacity to record or "remember" past experiences to predict or apply them in their decisions.

They are used in applications as varied as on mobile devices or voice assistants / chatbots. These systems use machine learning to add new information to their database based on knowledge base to improve their operation.

The artificial intelligence used for the autonomous car, for example, is categorized in this section since it is based on a series of established data, such as streets, signs or obstacles, with constantly changing data such as the speed and distance of other vehicles, etc.

Level 3) Artificial intelligence based on the theory of mind

The ability to process and expose emotions is one of the great pillars on which human societies are based and is the first step in integrating artificial intelligence as part of that society and not as a mere device or algorithm.

This basic approach already proposes a much more humane operation in the development of artificial intelligence processes since "the artificial intelligence agent" must be able to understand the emotions of her interlocutor and be able to show her own.

At the moment, this category of AI is in an experimental phase, but there are already processes capable of detecting mood states in people by micromanaging their faces, the nuances of their voices and other indicators of human behavior.

Level 4) Self-aware artificial intelligence

Self-aware artificial intelligence systems are in a merely theoretical state. In reality, this would be the highest level of artificial intelligence since it would be the closest to living things.

Brett Parker Sap AI

In this stage of artificial intelligence, the machine would understand their feelings and be able to put them in context taking a perspective of themselves.