Brett Parker SAP ‘s Former CEO explains how everywhere you look you see how the world has evolved with mobile phones, computers, ipad, AI, robots, genetic engineering, and so many inventions that come out every day. These inventions and gadgets are part of our everyday in life and they happen every second. There is a new company with a new app or gadget ready to make people’s life easier.

Brett Parker, the former SAP CEO, is an experienced technologist with over two decades of hands on experience dealing with this evolving sector. He knows very well the pros and the cons of these new inventions and innovations. Furthermore, he understands how the 4th industrial revolution is changing the way we eat, live, sleep and work.

Brett Parker SAP-Technology World
Brett Parker SAP-Artificial Intelligence
Brett Parker SAP- 4IR

Brett Parker SAP- Fourth Industrial Revolution

The industrial revolutions from the past had liberated us from mules pulling plows, horses as transportation or animal fat as lighting fluid. We don’t use animals as power anymore. We now live in the space where things happen fast, and everything is digital. We now have Facebook, twitter and snap. Things can be heard in seconds across the world. We are all connected.

Brett Parker SAP s former CEO says that this Industrial Revolution is different from the ones before because they involve so much more than our lives. They involve human genetics, agriculture, communication, technology, and more everything you can think of.

Right this moment our top companies are technology and brick and motor stores are becoming the smaller contenders. With companies like amazon, google, Facebook dominating the market. All these are the major players in 4th industrial revolution.

The fourth industrial revolution is here and we must adapt to all the changes. Life is easier as long we learn to live with it. Years ago we would have wished we had what we have now. It’s just a matter of embracing it and learning from it.

As Brett Parker SAP ‘s Former CEO explains in this article. It’s here we just need to adapt.

However, there are certain concerns for the future. Organizations may struggle to adapt and consume these sweeping changes. Governments may misuse these technologies to their own benefits. Security concerns are worrying. Inequality, dissatisfaction, and unfairness are spreading rapidly too.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is our present and we have to guide it.

We have the power and opportunity to shape the future the way we want.

We should keep our values safe in the Fourth Industrial Revolution and prioritize our lives and values through technology.

Brett Parker SAP -How to prepare for the fourth industrial revolution?

Brett Parker Sap -  Technology

In the already initiated Fourth Industrial Revolution, the last to join is a losing insurance.

What can I do, me or my company, to not fall behind and take advantage of technology to advance positions?

Have an open mind. See the new changes with a positive mindset. Be open to personally experience those that seem appropriate and useful to my personal circumstances.

Select well what I incorporate. It is convenient to keep up to date with news, but it is foolish to want to incorporate them all without prior analysis. Beyond fashion and advertising campaigns, I must be the one who, in each case, decides what is best for me.

Be more rational than gullible. Artificial intelligence will advance significantly, but it will never replace the individuality of the human person: creativity, inventiveness, spontaneous reaction to unforeseen events, compassion.

Everything that can be done should not be done. The dignity of the person must always have supremacy over technological advances.

Brett Parker Sap -  4ir System
Brett Parker Sap -  Industry 4.0
Brett Parker Sap -  Cloud

Brett Parker Sap - Cloud

Brett Parker SAP Fourth industrial revolution or digital transformation?

The so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution ’will change the lives of people, companies and society as a whole. It will bring advantages for many, it will be harmful for not a few. What is it and what can we do to face it in the best possible way?

A radical transformation

The Fourth Industrial Revolution, according to Schwab, is a radical change in the productive system and in the way we interact with each other. It has already begun, but its progress will be faster and faster.


The Fourth Industrial Revolution is beginning to influence different areas of life:

Brett Parker Sap -  4ir Economy

* Economy:

growth, employment and the nature of work. Not a few experts say that most of the jobs that will be in two decades have not yet been invented.

Brett Parker Sap -  4ir Company

* Company:

It will revolutionize the way production is organized and the way customers express their expectations.

Brett Parker Sap -  4ir Society

* Society.

Relations between social groups will change due to the transparency and immediacy of the information

Brett Parker Sap - Cloud

Brett Parker Sap - Cloud

Brett Parker Sap - Systems

Brett Parker Sap - Systems

Brett Parker Sap - Apps

Brett Parker Sap - Apps

Brett Parker Sap - Internet

Brett Parker Sap - Internet

Brett Parker Sap - Cloud System is Secure?

Brett Parker Sap - Cloud System is Secure?

Brett Parker Sap - 4IR in Bussines

Brett Parker Sap - 4IR in Bussines

Brett Parker Sap - Cloud Computing

Brett Parker Sap - Cloud Computing

Brett Parker Sap - Cloud System

Brett Parker Sap - Cloud System

Brett Parker SAP - 4ir

Brett Parker SAP - 4ir

Brett Parker SAP - How does the Fourth Industrial Revolution impact the business?

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is challenging old business models and presenting strategic options that improve the efficiency of companies, regardless of their size or type of industry.

According to an article published by the WEF, on the supply side, developments in energy storage, network technologies and real-time processing of customer and asset performance are factors that are transforming the models operational Meanwhile, on the demand side, customers value and expect personalized interaction throughout their experience as consumers.

Thus, for companies to achieve sustained growth in the framework of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, they will require the power of creativity and innovation to launch new products and services to the market with technologies such as IoT, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, for example.

Finally, it should be pointed out that although there are multiple benefits that accompany the new wave of innovation applied to the industry, these are accompanied by a series of specific challenges and new threats to be treated, for example, malware specially designed for IoT, Therefore, companies must have effective cybersecurity strategies.

Brett Parker- Network Technologies

Brett Parker- Network Technologies

Brett Parker SAP- 4IR is Happening?

Brett Parker SAP- 4IR is Happening?

Why is the Fourth Industrial Revolution happening?

In the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the main factors of the amazing changes we are witnessing include the decreasing cost of computing and connected devices, the ease of implementation of AI algorithms, and the radical drop in the price of genetic sequencing.

Connected and intelligent "things" are helping us develop autonomous cars, virtual assistants and improve the diagnosis of health images (thus transforming the physical, digital and biological world).

The ten technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

At this point it was already very clear that technology and the industrial revolution are closely related. It is technological advances that drive industrial revolutions. Below are the ten technologies that characterize the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

*Technologies that change the physical world



-3D printing

-New Materials

-Internet of Things (IoT)

-Transmission, storage and energy capture

Brett Parker sap- Biotechnology

Brett Parker sap- Biotechnology

Brett Parker sap- Robotics

Brett Parker sap- Robotics

Brett Parker sap- 3D Printing

Brett Parker sap- 3D Printing

Brett Parker sap- Iot

Brett Parker sap- Iot

*Technologies that change the digital world

-Artificial Intelligence (AI)

-Block chain

-New computational technologies

-Virtual and augmented reality

Brett Parker sap- Artificial Intelligence

Brett Parker sap- Artificial Intelligence

Brett Parker sap- Block chain

Brett Parker sap- Block chain

Brett Parker sap- Computational technologies

Brett Parker sap- Computational technologies

Brett Parker sap-Virtual Reality

Brett Parker sap-Virtual Reality

Cloud Computing and Internet of Things

Thanks to the Internet of Things, one day we may forget to make the purchase. Our refrigerator will constantly measure the remaining food inside and when it detects the absence of any of them, it will automatically order them from the selected supplier. And the same will happen with the rest of the household elements: televisions, lights, blinds, curtains, heating ... The main technology companies know this and have invested billions of dollars in this future business model.

Brett Parker Sap What is Big Data for in companies

It is clear that companies today generate a lot of data and, more often, demand to know not only what is happening in the present, but also what will happen in the future.

It is precisely in this ecosystem where Big Data takes center stage. Thanks to Big Data we can know on which dates customers usually attend our businesses, which products are sold more quickly, which promotions were best accepted, the names of customers who are most loyal to our brands, etc.

Brett Parker Sap - Once we have accepted that the data is here to stay, the next question is about the advantages that it can represent for our organization.

In this sense, a study carried out by Bain & Company clearly demonstrates the competitive advantages that early adopter companies can obtain from Big Data.

Brett Parker Sap -These companies that have understood what Big Data is and what it is for have:

* Twice as likely to obtain a higher financial return than the average for your industries.

* Five times more likely to make decisions much faster than your competitors.

* Three times more likely to execute decisions as planned.

* Twice as likely to make data-driven decisions.

Brett Parker Sap Big Data
Brett Parker Sap Big Data System
Brett Parker Sap Big Data Technology

Brett Parker Sap - Real examples of what Big Data is and what it is for

Brett Parker Sap -To understand in a practical way what Big Data is and what it is for, let's see some real examples of its use:

1. Marketing: customer segmentation. Many companies use big data to adapt their products and services to the needs of their customers, optimize operations and infrastructures, and find new fields of business.

2. Sports: performance optimization. Devices such as smart watches automatically record data such as calorie consumption or fitness levels.

3. Public health: encoding of genetic material. For example, there are Big Data analytics platforms that are dedicated to decoding DNA strands to better understand diseases and find new treatments.

4. New technologies: development of autonomous devices. Big data analysis can help improve machines and devices, and make them more autonomous. An example is smart cars.

5. Security: crime detection and prevention. Law enforcement agencies use Big Data to locate criminals or prevent criminal activities such as cyber attacks.

Brett Parker Sap - 4IR Social Changes

The social changes that the fourth industrial revolution drives

If Klaus Schwab's predictions come true, and all signs point to a transformation already underway, the way we live may well be subject to change as well. As he himself says in his work "we live in a time of great promise and great danger."

The benefits of the fourth industrial revolution seem clear:

* Secure the potential to connect billions of people to digital networks.

* Dramatically improve the efficiency of organizations.

* Manage assets in a more sustainable way, even helping to regenerate the natural environment.

Brett Parker Sap - 4IR Advances
Brett Parker Sap - 4IR
Brett Parker Sap - 4IR Advances

And yet, the drawbacks of the evolutionary process are still in the shadows. Schwab's concerns in this regard are along the following lines:

* Difficulty of the organizations to adapt to the new rhythm and the new methods.

* Change in the position of governments with respect to technological advances, which could leave focus on trying to regulate to limit themselves to capturing its benefits.

* Transfer of power to those who have greater possibilities for innovation and more resources.

* Appearance of new and important security problems.

* Growth of inequalities and fragmentation of societies.

Brett Parker Sap - 4IR New technology
Brett Parker Sap - Technology
Brett Parker Sap - What is 4IR

It is difficult to think that we are prepared for this, especially when it is still not entirely clear how events will unfold.

However, we must think of solutions and not forget that people can continue to maintain control, as long as we are able to collaborate across geographical areas, sectors and disciplines to take advantage of the opportunities presented by this revolution, instead of getting lost in your threats.

After all, these new technologies are tools first and foremost made by people for people, and together, it is possible to shape a future that works for everyone.

Brett Parker Sap - How to face the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

The Fourth Industrial Revolution, or simply, the 4IR, as it is usually called in the Anglo-Saxon world, is going from being the buzzword to becoming a reality.

That is exactly what we are experiencing with the current wave of technological transformation. Advances such as robotics, machine learning, 3D printing, the Internet of Things and blockchain, are changing not only the way industries operate but, in many cases, the business models on which they are based.

Initially, the 4IR was greeted with a mixture of enthusiasm and immobility. Now, most industry leaders view this phenomenon with contained optimism.

And it is that although there are already systemic changes on the way - such as the development of digital operations that connect all assets, the design of connected products and the management, in real time, of the digital links that link all these products with customers - and Manufacturers recognize the potential of the most advanced technologies and innovation in digital matters, they also keep trying to decide in which baskets they should lay their eggs and not lose their heads with hype and be realistic about their level of preparation and expertise.

Brett Parker Sap -4IR

Brett Parker Sap - Technology

Nor do they forget another of the great effects of the 4IR: its significant impact on what will become an entirely new industrial workforce.

The change is definitive - and, in fact, inevitable - that industrial companies will make towards 4IR as they integrate new technologies into their operations, their supply chain and their product portfolio.

However, a closer look shows that, although it is true that the 4IR will make some jobs no longer necessary, it also presents opportunities for these professionals.

The leaders of companies in the industrial sector are trying to find the right measure between the fashion of the 4IR and the reality of their company, but the important thing is that most know that sitting and waiting and seeing what happens is not an option.